My godzilla OC

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Ok so before we start I just want to mention one thing. This OC of mine is actually an OC for another story idea that i had, it's just that I never had the opportunity to put it into my story ideas book. Anyways, that's all i had to mention, lets get into the OC shall we.

Name: Damien

Age: 19/230+million years old(this will be explained later on)

Looks: Damien has black hair, tanned skin, a rather muscular build and his face can look however you want it to be. He also has dorsal plates on his back and a tail, but he mostly hides them from the public.

Personality: kind, serious, strict, understanding(towards his friends) a little grumpy, cautious(towards acquaintances and strangers) merciless, serious, angry, (towards his enemies)

Likes: nature, the natural order, peace, his friends, enforcing justice, spicy foods, radiation and other sources of energy.

Dislikes: someone disrupting the natural order, people picking a fight with him, unnatural forces or beings, corrupt and evil humans, seeing his friends get hurt.


Damien was once a normal human, however at the age of 14 his body became the host of a power outside of his world, godzilla. Apparently in his world, godzilla had died in a final battle to save the planet and when he died, his soul got transported into Damien's body. At first, the two didn't get along so well. Mainly because godzilla didn't like the idea of handing his power over to a greedy human, but damien tried his best to earn godzilla's respect and trust. Over time, godzilla did soften up towards damien and agreed to lend him a portion of his power to him.

This relationship went on for a few years until the day when a dangerous force came. This force was too powerful for damien to beat with his incomplete power so in his desperation, he begged-no ordered godzilla to give him all of his power to him.

Damien- godzilla! give me all of your power!

Godzilla- you won't be able to handle it brat, even if you could you'll never be the same person again. Do you truly want that.

Damien-.... Of course not... I need all your power... But I also don't want to lose myself... I want the best of both worlds godzilla... Remember when we first met, you said I was a nothing but a greedy human... Well your right you know, humans are greedy, even me... And now... I'm greedy enough to want both your power and myself! So give it to me godzilla! I'll show you the power of a human's greed!

Despite his words, godzilla could see the determination and resolve in Damien's eyes.

Godzilla-.... Very well... Then this is goodbye Damien...

And so without warning, godzilla fused his own should with damien's. Permanently changing the both of them altogether. Damien gained everything godzilla had, his powers, his battle experience, his physical strength, his personality, everything. From that point on, godzilla and the old damien were no more. All that remained was the new damien, the human king of the monsters.

Abilities and powers

Damien has all the powers of legendary godzilla.

Monstrous strength capable of lifting more than an 100000 tons

Monstrous durability capable to taking nukes to the face without much issue

His speed is not the greatest but he can reach Mach 1 speeds.

His tail, claws and dorsal plates all act as dangerous weapons that can slice almost all metals with ease.

Damien is extremely battle intelligent and battle experienced, having lived for hundreds of millions of years and fighting off countless kaiju in the past.

Damien can fight well on land, but there's no doubt that damien fights best underwater. His aquatic adaptations allows him to move on water in the most efficient ways. He can use portals underwater to get to places quickly and he can even stand on water to give himself a better fighting edge. Overall, he is the unknown king of the seas and it would be foolish to fight him underwater.

Damien also has a thermal imaging ability, whenever Damien is blinded somehow, he would still be able to tell where people are from their temperature.

Damien also has some of Mothra's powers due to legendary godzilla having them. Damien is now fully aware of many of the forces of nature, he can tell when the clouds are full of water and when the tides are changing. He can even feel the earth's magnetic field and many more.

Damien also has omniscient nature, damien can now detect all living things on the surface of the planet. How this works is that there is a form of energy coming to and from different areas of the world, letting damien know where everything is.

And of course how can we forget about the signature atomic breath. This devastating attack can easily disintegrate humans, severely injure powerful supernatural beings and other kaiju's. It's also very fast making it quite difficult to dodge.

Damien also has the ability to absorb radiation and other natural energies as a power source, and when he absorbs enough, he enters his thermonuclear state. A form so hot that just his presence alone can melt several hundred tons of concrete and metal. And his nuclear pulse is even hotter than that, believed to be even hotter than the surface of the sun.

And I think that's all for my OC. So @PhoenixTMC, what do you think, is this good enough for your story? Do tell me if you want me to specify on anything or change anything. Anyways that's all from me today. Bye bye!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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