Apprehension *1

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After being isolated in her estate at Kew with her father.
Mary-Sophia now prepares to make her debut. Only being surrounded by servants, family, and close friends.

Sophia now has to try to make a social life at the ripe age of twenty.                   At her close family friend,                  Lady Danbury's masquerade ball, she meets an interesting man and wants to get to know him better.

The thing is she has no idea who he is. They arrange to meet the next day on the bridge decorated with lilies.

She soon finds out the man she meets is a Bridgerton, the ones she reads about in the paper.

everything was like a fairy tale but how long is it until all her skeletons come creeping out of her closet?

disclaimer (jenny of oldstone) is a song used repeatedly in this story all rights go to the song writers.( Dan Weiss / David Benioff / George R. R. Martin / Ramin Djawadi)

A woman was standing in the middle of a meadow full of wildflowers with a black Friesian horse, as the sun started to set. There's a distant voice screaming.

                                                                       WAKE UP. WAKE UP.

I drowsily open my eyes to see a bearded face looking directly at me. "Wakey, wakey princess" I heard a cockney accent coo at me. "No" I groaned lifting the covers over my head.

"your mother is in the drawing room, it's making everyone here nervous, so if you do not get up right now I will drag you out the bed myself" Amos commanded.

I slowly sat up and looked at him. "You are not allowed to talk to me like that, I can have you beheaded" I countered, squinting my eyes at him, while resting against the head board.

He snorted "they stopped beheading a century ago, so good luck" shaking his head and walking away.
"You have thirty minutes to get dressed, make haste" he called while walking out the room.

As he walked out a dozen maids came in to began the torture of getting ready.

After getting dressed I walked out of my room to see Amos waiting for me looking at his pocket watch. "You got ready fast today, with five minutes to spare"

"Well you said make haste so I made haste" I teased as we walked down the hall. I waved and smiled at everybody I saw, none of which smiled or waved back.

They only curtsied and bowed.

I frowned and looked up at Amos "why do you think she's here, do you think someone died again" I questioned.
He looked at me and then away.

"What is it?" I asked him knowing he's keeping something from me.
"Nothing, nothing is wrong," he insisted.

I stopped walking "You know something, I know you know something, if you know something you have to tell me" exclaimed turning to him.

He put his hand on my back and started to guide me. "Well you are twenty now and... he trailed off.


"And it is the social season, you are not married, and the queen is very...plagued with matchmaking, you are also her last child, her last chance to prove that lady whistledown wrong"

We were a couple feet away from the drawing room. "Do you really think she's going to force me to make my debut"
"knowing your mother absolutely" he said walking backwards.
"What are you doing?" I asked confused. "Five paces" he stated
"right" I straightened my posture as the guards opened the doors to the drawing room.

There she was sitting stroking Pom-Pom like a villain in those bedtime stories. I stood in front of her and curtsied. kissing both of her cheeks, taking Pom-Pom out of her hand and walking to the couch in front of her.

"Mother to what do I owe the pleasure"

"my darling girl it is time" she exclaimed. I looked around acting confused
"and what exactly is it time for" I questioned while running my finger through Pom-Pom's furr.

"The social season is here and it's time my jewel for you to make your debut" she said happily

"I do not understand, mother you have already secured your air so there's no need for me to enter the season" she lets out a giggle before breaking out into a full on laugh.

"What is so funny mama" I all but whined

She chuckled "darling you have to take your place in society, like all the women in the ton. And it's better safe than sorry"

"What of my...condition, mother what are we going to do with that" "your father got married, and fell in love I'm sure you can too"

"Yes but father is king of great Britain and I-

"You are the princess royal, my fifteenth heir, and technically you are second in line if you marry and have child, so you will make your debut" she stated leaving no room to negotiate.

I said nothing, only looking at the painting behind her. "Well I shall take my leave ,darling you should start preparing yourself" as she stood up I did as well to hand her Pom-Pom before curtseying, still not taking my eyes off the painting.

I heard ringing in my ears. my mother was long before I rushed out the room, hands shaking. I looked around panicked. I leaned on the wall trying to focus.

"Soph hey soph look at me" Amos said, grabbing my face in his hand.

"Focus on me, only me, I am here".

"Charlie I can't, I- "hey, yes you can just focus on my voice" he cleared his throat before attempting to sing.

"High in the halls of the kings who are gone-

I have known this song since before I could remember.

-Jenny would dance with her ghosts"

Father used to sing it.

"The ones she had lost and the ones she had found-"

The melody and words helped me grasp reality.

"alright I am better now" I groaned returning back to normal.

"Please, please for the love of all that is holy do not screech in my ears again"

"well the screeching that I do always soothes you" he teased

"it is like a barred owl trying to sing"

"you haven't even heard a barred owl"

"no, but I read about them and they are Very annoying. " I countered.

"Alright next time I will not save you" he grumbled

I gave him a small smile "shall we head to break fast, this sunrise has me famished" I asked

"I am rather parched myself. I could use a drink or two" he held out his arm for me to take before we started walking.

"I think it was the singing, it was so horrid it dried your throat"

"your royal highness we both know you could do no better"

"do not lie to me Amos I have a voice of an angel"

we stopped and looked at each other with a straight face for just a moment before breaking out into laughter. We continued our walk to the dining room rambling about little things.

                                                  Goodbye gentle readers and see you next time.

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