-13- I Love You~

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Read before beginning story!

Ok, before you get into the story please know something for the future ahead. I'm not gonna make this book have a lot of chapters. Ok, I know you're probably like "Why?" Well because I got no problem or nothing I just got writers block. I can't figure out what imma do with the next few chapters. No, this ain't the last chapter in here. I'm gonna stop at 20 chapters. Aight? I don't want you suckers being like on the last chapter like "Make another chapter plzz!" "Oh, oh! If your reading this plz make a chapter about-" I DONT WANT NONE OF THAT. Ok? Ok!  I'm taking requests of stories off soon so if you specifically want me to make a chapter of something before I stop taking requests, please inbox, comment, or make a coversation board on my profile.

Thank you for your time. 


_Cory x Yandere! Reader_

_Cory x Yandere! Reader_

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(Part 2 of I Love You~)


Ding! Ding! Dinggggg!

You groan in your pillow. You snooze your alarm. "Damnitttt, why today?" You get your uniform on and head out. "Welp, someone's gonna have pay the rent so I don't got a choice." You go to Starbucks and order a (f/c)(favorite coffee). You almost fell asleep at the drive thru just by trying to stay awake. "Fuck, I hate work." 

(Skip time because I'm lazyyyy-)

"Alright, time to see Coryyy!" You smile widely. You we're Cory's neighbor so it was pretty easy for you to 'see' him. You hop around his fence. You giggle uncontrollably, as you jump onto his roof. "Hmm, is he recording a video today?~" He wasn't in the game room. "Hmmmm, alrighty his bedroom?~" Wasn't in there. "Ok, ok kitchen?" Wasn't in kitchen. "What the fuck? Shower or bathroom?" Wasn't there. "WHAT THE- Living room?" Wasn't in the living room either. "Well where's Cory? His cars here.." you hopped off the roof and jumped over the fence. "Hm, weird."

 You enter your house, and hear knocking at the door." "Who could possibly be here?" You walk down the stairs. "Coming!" You open the door and see Cory. "Hello." 'Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. What if he remembers my face? Did he see me jump on his roof? Did I leave a track behind me? Shittt! Ok, ok act cool.' "Yes?" You ask nervously sweating feeling your palms getting sweaty as well."I was wondering if you wanted to game with me sometime!" You froze. 

What? Why would he want to game with you? For all you know you're just his secret stalker and neighbor. "I've seen your channel and was impressed by you skills! So, what do ya' think?" 'OMG OMG OMG OMGGGG!!!! This is a one in a life opportunity! I have to say yes!' "Of course! When do you suppose I come game with you?" You smile. "How about tomorrow?" "Sure!" "Alright I'll let you know when!" He smiles. "O-Ok! Bye!" "Bye!" He walks away as you close the door. "Let's GOOOOO!!!!" You smile.

Soon he'll be yours forever.

🌸✨🦋CoryxKenshin {Imagines} 🦋✨🌸 [Requests closing soon!]Where stories live. Discover now