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I'm sorry for my bad english and feel free to correct me ^^

I hope you enjoy :)
"I have something very important to tell you"A beautiful woman said

"What is it mom?"A boy with golden eyes and a brown jacket said

"I'm dating someone"The mom said"You are going to have a father!"


"Wait what!?"A boy with dark blue eyes said after he squirted his drink on another boy"Oh sorry Sol"

"It's fine Taufan"The boy said replied he but was clearly annoyed because of it"But more important,mom who is he and why haven't you told us about the man at all?"

"I know Solar and I'm sorry.I wasn't sure if I'm really gonna be with him so I didn't tell you"The mom replied in a gentle tone"I was afraid that you wouldn't accept him,but I realized that he is a very nice man and a good father,so please give him a chance"

"Mom if you love him,then we will also accept him"The boy with golden eyes said"We just need time,but I'm sure we will accept him if he makes you happy"

"I agree with Gempa!"Taufan said and another boy also nodded his head in agreement

"You said he is a good father"Solar said"Does he also have children?"

"Children!?Does that's mean we are gonna have another siblings!?"A boy with green eyes asked excitedly

"Yes Thorn he has children,three of them actually"The mom replied"You will meet them soon"

"When is the wedding?"Gempa asked curiosly

"Well we haven't planned it,we wanted that we all get along first as a family and when it works out,then we will get married,we don't want to be with someone that our kids doesn't like afterall"The mom replied

"I see,then are we going to live with them?"Gempa asked again

"Yes,actually we are going to live with them starting tomorrow!"The mom said happily

"That fast?"Taufan asked

"Yes so please start packing you things,we are going there tomorrow at 7 a.m. "

They all went to their room and started packing

After packing

"Aren't you guys excited?"Thorn said while tilting his head,confused to why his siblings are not really in a good mood

"Yes,but I'm worried what if that man hurts mom?"Taufan said in a cautious tone

"I'm sure he won't!You know mom would never be with someone that doesn't treat her nicely or wouldn't accept us"Thorn Said happily trying to reassure his siblings

"What about our dad?He left us after knowing that mom was pregnant with us"Solar said"He even cheated on mom"

Their biological dad left them when he found out that their mom was pregnant with Solar and Thorn,he also told her that he has been cheating on her

"Yeah,but you never know maybe this time we will have a great father!"Thorn said full of hope

"Thorn is right,we should try our best to accept him"Gempa said while patting Thorn's head

"I accept him since mom love him,but I'm worried,I don’t want him to break mom's heart"Taufan said

"I also agree with Taufan"Solar added

"I know,I'm also worried,but you can't think of the worse case possible we haven't even met him yet,maybe he is a nice person just like mom said?"Gempa said in a gentle tone

"I guess you're right"Taufan said

"Sol?"Gempa asked and looked at Solar that didn't reply "I know it hard,but please try to accept it,for mom?"


"Alright,let's go to sleep now,we have to wake up early tomorrow"

"Okay!Let's go sunshine!"Thorn said and pulled Solar to their room

"I don't know how I'm supposed to accept him...."Solar thought to himself as he laid on his bed"I hope Gempa is right and that man is really a nice guy..."

The next day

"I'm so excited!"Thorn said cheerfully as they waited for their new dad to pick them up"I wonder how our dad and our new siblings are!"

"Yeah me too!"Taufan added

"Kids he is here!"Their mom shouted from the front door


They all went to the frontdoor and saw their new dad

"Hey kids,my name is Amato,I'm your new dad,you can call me whatever you want!"Amato said in a cheerfull tone

"Hey new dad!"Thorn said excitedly"My name is Thorn and this is my twin Solar,but I call him sunshine!"

"Hello Thorn,that is a really nice nickname and I also have a pair of twin,I'm sure you will get get along with them"Amato said as he patted Thorn's head and Thorn didn't mind it at all

"Hello my name is Gempa"Gempa said

"And I'm Taufan!"Taufan added in his cheerfull tone

"You have unique names just like my sohn"Amato said happily"Your mom told me that you have powers,can you tell me what your powers are?"

"You're not surprised or scared?"Taufan asked a bit surprised at his happy tone when he mentioned that they have power

"No i'm not,in fact my children also have powers!"Amoto replied"Thunder,fire and Ice"

"Wowww that's so cool!"Thorn commented"I can't wait to meet them!"

"Aww you are so cute!"Amato said and patted his head again"I wish my children were as cute as you are,but they are so hard to handle and a complete troublemaker"

"They can't be that bad"The mom suddenly said

"Oh trust me,when I say that they are hard to handle than I mean it!They wouldn't listen to me at all"Amato said in a complaining tone

"I still can't believe you"The mom said while chuckling

"You will believe me as soon as you see them!"Amato said while pouting like a small child

"Alright then"The mom said"Let's go now and talk in the car,i'm sure your kids are waiting already"

"Right....i completely forgot"Amato said and sighed"I hope they didn't destroyed the house..."

"Are they that bad!?"The siblings exept Thorn thought to themself not believing what he just said

"Well let's go!"

I hope you enjoyed this story ^^

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