school 2

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I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistake and feel free to correct me ^^

Again thank you for reading and even voted this story :)
"Psst Blaze"Taufan whispered as they were eating lunch

"Hm?What is it?"Blaze asked

"Did Halilintar say something about me?"Taufan asked

"No,why would he?Is something wrong???"Blaze asked

"Well.....I think he might be mad at me"Taufan replied

"Why?Did you do something?"Blaze asked

"I'm not sure,but he was annoyed when we talked before"Taufan explained

"Annoyed?When was that?"

"When he brought me to my class"

"Ohhhh makes sense,don't worry he is probably not mad or annoyed because of you"

"Are you sure?"


"Then why was he annoyed?"

"Probably because of his fangirls,he hates being watched and they always stare at him,even now"Blaze explained and pointed at a group of girls that were watching Halilintar

"Ohhh,wait why does he has fangirls though???"

"They say that they all love him and because he is good looking"

"Damn lucky"

"Nah,he hates it"


"He doesn't like being watched or touched and they always does that,so he is always annoyed at school :^"

"Oh that makes sense,now I feel bad for him"Taufan replied"But why do you always hug him when he doesn't like being touched?"

"He says that he doesn't mind it,beside he lets anyone touch him when he is comfortable with them"Blaze replied

"Ohh alright"Taufan replied

"Laze...."Ice said in a low tone

"Oh yeah whoops sorry I forgot"Blaze said and hugged Ice

"They are so close,I hope we can also be that close"Taufan thought to himself

After they ate it was time to go back to class

"Hmm what should I do to get close to Solar"Blaze asked himself"Maybe I should go to the libabry with him later,but libabry sucks,oh well"

The class ended and they met up again,then Solar,Blaze and Gempa went  to the school libabry

"So what kind of books are you guys searching?"Blaze asked

"I'm searching for a history book"Gempa replied

"I'm searching for some science books"Solar replied

Blaze nodded and they searched for the books

"This is so boringggggg"Blaze thought to himself"Hm?Did I just my name?"

Blaze looked around and found the people that said his name,so he decided to listen

"What are they saying this time?"Blaze asked himself and listened,it was normal that people talked bad about him,but he didn't mind

"They are his brothers right?"

"Yeah they said so"

"So adopted?"

"Probably,but I heard that they also had a mother,so maybe stepbrothers?"

"Yeah that makes more sense,I mean why would their dad adopt children all of the sudden"


"I bet that woman is probably using their dad for money,she is a single mother afterall,I bet she needed money or is a gold digger"

"What did they just say...?Mom is a gold digger?Just using dad for money...?"Blaze asked himself trying to process what they just said"How dare they!"

"Thorn was his name right?He seemed dumb,how can he not know simple math?"

"Right?He couldn't answer anything before at class"

"That's it!"Blaze shouted and went to them"Don't talk shit about my family!"

Gempa and Solar heard Blaze's shout and they went there to see what's happening

"They aren't even your 'real' family!"The girl said in a mocking tone

"So!?Blood related or not they are still my brothers!"Blaze yelled and attack the girl,but Gempa manage to stop him before he could hit her

"Let me go!"Blaze yelled,trying to free himself

"Blaze calm down!"Gempa said trying to calm him down,but it wasn't working"Solar go get Hali and Ice!"

Solar quickly went to get them and they manage to to calm him down

A teacher came and Blaze was brought to the principal office.After a while Blaze came out

"What did he say?"Halilintar asked

"I can go home and I don't have to go to school for a week"Blaze explained

"Wait you got suspended!?"Taufan asked"But you didn't hit her!"

"No I'm not suspended,I just got a break from school"Blaze replied,but Taufan was confused

"Blaze has a special treatment,because of his anger issues,he can take a break from school for a few days when he gets mad at someone"Ice explained

"Is your angry issues that bad...?"Taufan asked while sweatdropping

"Kinda?"Blaze replied

"He beat up someone so hard that they almost end up in hostpital"Ice explained"The same goes for big brother Hali"

"Damn,that's terrible!"Taufan said a bit horrified

"They deserve it"Blaze simply added

"Still....and Halilintar too?"Taufan asked and Ice nodded as a reply

Blaze went home while the other continued their schoolday

"Blaze?Why are you home early?"The mom asked

"I got a break from school :^"Blaze replied

"I see,well are you hungry?"The mom asked,she already knew about the special treatment and everything else,because Amato told her everything she needed to know about the children

"No,I'm full"Blaze replied

"I see,then you should change your uniform"The mom said

Blaze went to change clotches and went to the livingroom

"Mom let's do something together"Blaze suggested

"Sure why not,what do you want to do?"The mom asked with a smile

"Can we play games please?"Blaze asked excitedly and she agreed

They played game until the other came home and they ate dinner together

I'm sorry that this is a bit short,I will try to make the next one longer ^^

I hope you enjoyed :)

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