The Hogwarts Express

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"Raine! Laney! Come on!" My uncle yelled as I slowly crawled out of bed. "Hurry, we're going to miss the train!" My eyes shot open. Today was the big day. Two weeks ago my twin sister and I received our acceptance letters to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and today we were finally leaving. I tore my pajamas off, and shoved a clean shirt on while attempting to jump into a new pair of pants.

"What are you doing?" Rained asked laughing.

"Raine! Why didn't you wake me up?" I whined rushing to gather the rest of my things. "Now I don't have enough time to get ready!" I sighed, grabbing my cat's cage.

"I tried to, and you jinxed me" Raine said laughing. "You might want to fix your hair by the way."

"Oh yeah." I turned around to look in my mirror, "Jeez my hair looks crazy!" I said changing my red hair from messy to straight. Me and Raine are both Metamorphmagi, and we can change our appearances. Uncle Remus says that when we were born we were both blondes, but after an our in the nursery, the nurses had noticed that my hair had turned bright red, while Raines hair had turned black.

"Girls come on!" I heard as I started pulling my trunk down the stairs.

"You know, Uncle Lupin, you could help me..." I muttered halfway down the stairs.

"That wouldn't be any fun, would it?" He said with a chuckle. I glared at him. "Okay, okay! I'll help!" He said taking his wand out. With a small wave, and a mutter of a spell, my trunk was lifted over my head, and placed gently at the bottom of the stairs.

"Thanks!" I said finishing my descent.

"Do you have everything? Your robes, books, wands?" He said to me and Raine

"Check" Raine stated behind me.

"Check, check, and check!" I said smiling.

"Okay, let's go!" Uncle Remus said heading towards the door.


When we arrived at kings cross station, my stomach began to flip. "What house do you think we'll get sorted into?" I whispered to o Raine biting the inside of my cheek.

"Well, dad was in Gryffindor so that would be my first guess." She stated nonchalantly, pushing her trunk towards the barrier between platforms nine and ten.

"Are you girls ready?" Our uncle asked.

"We just run into the wall?" I asked him, raising my eyebrow.

"Yes, it's better if you start with a little bit of a run. It feels a little weird your first time." He replied. "I'm going to miss you girls so much." He said pulling us towards him, and embracing us into a tight hug. "I'm going to say goodbye out here."

"Why aren't you coming in?" I asked pulling away.

"Not everyone likes having a werewolf in the same room is them I'm afraid." He said laughing.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right." I said hugging him one last time. "Are you ready Raine?" I asked looking at her. Without replying she took a few steps back and then bolted towards the wall, gliding right through it.

"Woah." I whispered under my breath slowly repeating her steps.

I heard my uncle shout I love you as I slid into the wall.

In the blink of an eye I found my self standing in another room, which had a lot of people in it, and a big red train that read, "The Hogwarts Express."

******Thanks to anyone who reads this, it's one of my first fanfics, and if there are any spelling errors, or any mistakes in general please let me know!******

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