Randy x TransMasc reader

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-[A/n I'm still gonna use they/them prnz w Y/N but wordz like boyfriend will be used so....

Also thiz iz the second part 2 the first oneshot YIPPEE]-

Y/n and Randy had been hanging out a lot more in the past month and by this point Y/n had noticed that he had been stuttering a lot more lately, and another thing is that Randy seemed to really want to tell them something but somehow always got cut off by someone or something else. Well today Randy had finally built up the courage to ask them out on a date, and not just a friend date- a real, romantic date.

"H-hey Y/n- thanks f-for coming... I w-wanted to ask you something important... ", Y/n looked kinda confused but also curious on what Randy wanted to ask them, " Uhh- sure Randy! What's up?"

"W-well I was wondering i-if you w-would want to go out with me... "

"Sure Randy- I mean, you kinda called me out here so you kinda did ask me out-"

"N-no, I mean l-like on a date date... You know... A romantic type date-"

Y/n was a bit taken a back by this and their face turned light pink [again, TVz have faces?]. "I knew that this was a shitty idea..."  Randy said slowly looking down, "n-no- Randy I'd love to! I was just a bit surprised- but seriously though! I'd love to go on a date with you, Randy!".

They both decided that they were going to go to the movies, that way they could say hi to Oliver [y/n is friendz w him in thiz], this way Randy also did have to deal with the swans at his work place since the park was his work place-

---♡✰]a while later[✰♡---

"That was a surprisingly good movie, it still kinda sucked but in a good way- you know?" Y/n laughed a bit, "Heh- yeah... Thanks for doing this with me Y/n, I had fun! " He said with a smile [or whatever tf Nokia phonez do-]. "I had fun today and uhmm.... "

"What is it Randy?"

"I was wondering if you'd- well since you enjoyed this- you don't have to but-"

"Are you asking me if I'd wanna be your boyfriend?"

He nodded "Of course Randy, I'd like that. ", they gave him a light kiss [or bonk cause they don't have normal human heads-]. Randy turned bright red, Y/n giggled at his reaction. " T-thank you sweet heart." "Hey Randy- do you wanna stay at my place for a while? It's probably better than sleeping in a literal dumpster-" "WAIT REALLY? THANK YOU SO MUCH Y/N! " he hugged them tightly.


I think this was fairly decent- again, I wouldn't mind some feedback!
Anyways, CYA!

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