Adam Warlock x Reader

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The rest of the Guardians were away celebrating.  That meant something rare was happening; you were alone and had the entire ship to yourself.  You scouted out the halls and rooms of the ship insuring you were truly alone before heading back to your own room.  Once you were for sure it was you and you alone, you scurried back to your room. 

You dug through the storage bin on your bedside looking for your small bullet vibrator.  Once in hand you peeked out the door once more.  No one would be back for hours.  You returned back to your bed, shimmying your bottoms off along the way.  You got comfortable on the bed before turning the toy on.  It vibrated quietly in your hand...

Adam had returned back to the ship quicker than planned.  He did not mind leaving the other Guardians.  He had been enjoying himself until Rocket got drunk and started picking fights with the locals of the planet they were on.  He huffed, planning to go to his room and relax for the rest of the night.  Suddenly, your voice echoed through the halls of the ship.  The noises you made were foreign to him and he feared something was wrong.  He sprinted to your room where you had left the door open. 

"Y/N?!" He shouted as he ran into the doorway.  His whole body flooded with heat instantly at what he saw.  You were sprawled out with the vibrator pressed against your clit.  Your bare skin out in the open.  He felt the member between his legs jump.  "ADAM- Oh my God!" You swore no one else had been on the ship.  Were the others close behind him?  You attempted to cover yourself with the loose blanket on top of your mattress.  "I-I-I'm sorry- I thought someone was doing something to you-" his hands went to cover his face in embarrassment.  "CLOSE THE DOOR!" you shouted.  He clumsily closed the door with him inside your room.  His back was to you now, slightly slumped over with hands still on the door. 

Why did he like what he saw?  What were you doing exactly?  Why did he want you to continue?  A millions thoughts crossed his mind. 

The room that had previously been filled with the sound of your moans was completely silent.  The two of you were heavily breathing.  Neither of you dared to speak or look at one another. 

Adam slowly turned his head to the side.  You could see his eye attempting to glance at you.  "What... what were you doing just now?"  he swallowed the heavy lump in his throat.  Your cheeks burned with embarrassment.  No one had taught him anything sexual in nature.  It was a completely foreign subject to him.  Of course he knew what sex was.  But to him, it was a way of procreating.  Not a way of having fun and being intimate.  "I was- um... pleasuring myself," you stumbled over your words.  He turned his head more now.  He craved another look at your body.  "And you... like doing this, correct?"  He stared at you the best he could.  You nodded at him.  He paused.  You could tell he was collecting himself.  "I've never... never seen anyone do something like that.  The noises you were making they- um... I-I-I..." his face was painted with embarrassment. 

"Will you show me more...?" 

You could not deny the arousal pooling in your stomach.  You had liked Adam ever since he joined the Guardians.  He tended to linger around you when you all were in a group.  Walking you back to your room more often than not.  Invitations to go get food were a regular occurrence between you both now.  You could not deny the crush you had developed on him.  You would catch yourself staring at him when he worked out.  The way his muscles flexed and sweat would roll down his body would make you blush.  He had the body of a God, he was the perfect man after all.  You longed to be around him.

You nodded at him.  He crawled on the bed, hovering over you on all fours.  There was tension in the silent room, his eyes darted between your face and your covered lower half.  His tongue darted out to wet his lips.  You stared down away from him.  You fiddled with the toy in your hand.  A mixture of arousal and embarrassment filled you.  "I want you to use it again," his beautiful voice broke the silence.  Your eyes shot up to meet his, he stared deeply.  His hand went to your cheek caressing you.  You lingered in his soft touch.  You leaned your body back getting comfortable against your pillows.  The blanket left your body, exposing you.  His mouth fell open, slightly gasping for air.  He stared at your nudity.  His member jumped again.  You spread your legs, propping them up.  You pressed the button turning the small toy on.  It found its way to your bundle of nerves.  You threw your head back in pleasure.  A moan left your lips. 

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