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I'm so sorry about any grammatical mistakes in advance

it's just a joke,

it was just a joke and Felix should get over it,

he feels shitty though, why? you would ask, well.. it's Hyunjin, and Felix knew this from that moment, from that moment, it's always gonna be Hyunjin..

any change in his mood is gonna be caused by the hyung, because Felix feels different... since then he's been feeling different, he doesn't want to get into it because he'll become so involved, and he doesn't want to, what the fuck is going on!

what the fuck! he doesn't even think they are possible in that way, that's insane he shakes his head

"woh! he is so freaking cool!" changbin claps his hands from behind the camera as he watches Hyunjin dancing solo to "okay by chase Atlantic"

"he is" bangchan smiles proudly while nodding his head

Felix watches as Hyunjin moves to the slow music smoothly, je is enchanting, his moves are almost too explicit and sexual, he is wearing a black blouse, the buttons are opened to the half of his sweaty chest, he is also wearing a black tight jeans, he has belts hanging from his shoulders to his the belt of his jeans, his sleeves are folded to his elbow, and his black hair is half wet, half hiding his fierce eyes that looks directly at the camera once he bounces to the music, smiling seductively and throwing gestures by his hands and eyes, Felix feels exposed and he is even not the one dancing that way!

everyone in the dance room is amazed completely controlled by Hyunjin, it's Hyunjin of course

while Changbin is amazed and Chan is so fucking proud, Felix is hypnotized, he can't take his eyes away and at the same time he feels like he has to take them away because Hyunjin is making him, Hyunjin is making him shying away, it's so fucking inconvenient because first; that's Hyunjin, he get it, he is hot, everyone admits that but not to the point they are easily self conscious around him, second, Felix is a fucking man too! he shouldn't be feeling these things because of another man not to mention that Felix should be making some girl feeling this! third, respectively, that's his fucking friend and hyung before everything, they shared the sour and the sweet, they are bros! homies? but what now? Felix inner urges are whispering dirty things to him about how fucking satisfying it is to be looked at that way by the Hwang hyunjin?

he may be looking at the camera, of course he does silly, but also Felix and the two members are standing behind it, he could be looking at anyone, Felix gulps when the lights go on and everyone starts clapping, Changbin stands and heads towards Hyunjin broudly hugging and squeezing his shoulders along with Chan, some staff start wiping the sweat from his forehead and handing him a bottle of water,

"you are my friend, a freaking animal, a freaking fierce animal!" Changbin praises? Felix thinks because that sounded cringy to him but everyone agrees with Changbin

"yes a predator!" Chan taps his back

"interesting opinions, very kinky though" Felix mumbles as he watches the interaction, but he must admit, Hyunjin is fucking awesome, he knows that, he is also very nice, he may appear aggressive and fierce indeed in their songs, but he is nice, calm and very mature,

everyone is cheering for him and Felix is staring from afar afraid to get closer because he may fucking stutter like a little girl who has a crush on the joke of the class, not that Hyunjin is a joke or an asshole, but you know the meaning right?

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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