Chapter 3: Saved By Shaun

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Cymmy's pov:

Bakugan Helium stand. Go save those people Helium

Heliums's pov:

Yes my misterist. Do you think we should summon the heligaun mectgaun....

Unkowen persons pov: 

 Bakugan brawl. BATTLE AXE VLADOR STAND!~ Kaas and Cymmy look confused~.

Ability activate Axe Impact!

Kaas' POV:

 BAKUGAN BRAWL MAGMA STAND ABILITY ACTIVATE VOLCANIC BLOE HARD!... Wait what the Martin? why are you attacking us.

Cymmy's pov:

Mectagun Heligaun come out ~ she throws down a mectagun card ~mectagun are concealed in cards because of their massive power in the future)~. ATTACCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

Martin's pov: 

That won't work Ability activate Mega Axe Gear! ~vlador destroys the mechgaun and some of Cymmy's health points drop by half~ I'M NOT DONE YET REVANGE TIME! ABILATY ACTIVATE MODATION BLAST!

Kaas' and Cymmy's pov:

My health points ar only at ten percent."cym" He;'s beating us by so much. "kaas" Gate card set BAKUGAN BRAWL! "cym"

Shaun's pov:

Bakugan brawlllll. HOAS GRIM LION STAND! ABILATY ACTIVATE HOAS TO DARKUS REACTOR! This abilaty increase my backugans power level by a thousand of each bakugan on the field if there is a hoas and a darkus bakugan on the feild give up your beaten by 4000 g power plus the other 2000 that Cymmy and Kaas' have. I'LL DESTORY YOU FOR ATTACKING MY FRIENDS!

Kaas' pov:

Shaun what are you doing here?

Shaun's pov:

I got a call from Cam about what happen on new vestoria and I came to help. Well for one I guess every dimenction is being attacked cause earth was being attacked but oh well earth has its own bakugan battle brawlers team. Not the strongest human battles since Dan fromm 1000 years ago but well they are going well and on Nietha there are four drakus dharks attacks I didnt know they made copys of that dangerous bakugan. But time for talking is over. ABILITY ACTIVATE  MEGA LOAD INFANCTY CORE CANNON! ~the lion releases a powerful load of energy from the core of its power~

Martin's pov:


Shauns's pov:

You can keep your bakugan. If you pass the test! DOOM CARD SET ~ a gate to the doom dimenction opens Shaun throws the bakugan in the doom dimenction~. OPS... Did I open the wrong part of the doom dimenction and send your bakugan to the most dangerous part were some of the jailed criminals are with their horribily powerful bakugan! Sorry. HAHAHHAHA!

~ Martin starts to cringe and he jumps into the doom dimenction~ 

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