the deal

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Bill pov

I am pine tree agree to the deal but some things was off in his mine he had some meomory problem so I set it free

As I got out I saw pine tree floating and he was glowing

W-what he couldn't be her son. Could he. I said

Once the glowing stop dipper was no longer dipper

B-bill what happened to me what did you do. Pine tree asked.

Pine tree I didn't to anything that was all you who knew you were a star demon and dream demon. I said happy.

What?? How am I demon? Pine tree asked worried

Well you are Ursa star son so it makes sence and you father was a dream demon. So yeah. I said explained

I don't know what to say. I need a rest I will be at your bed. Good night bill.Pine trees said.

Good night alcor! I said

I am glad you back

Sorry it's short

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