Welcome to avengers academy

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Jaune is seen finishing with packing up his belongings to go to avengers academy when the voice of a familiar AI speaks
JARVIS: Sir, the bullhead is outside ready to take you to the academy
Said Jarvis as Jaune looked up from his suit case
Jaune: thanks Jarvis, I'm heading out now
Said the blond super genius as he took his final suit case and started walking, but not before looking at the apartment one last time
Jaune: Gotta say, I'm kind of gonna miss living here
He muttered before heading onto the bullhead and when he enters he sees a bunch of other students, he then walks up to a seer next to a brown haired boy about his age
Jaune: hey is this seat taken
He asked the boy
Boy: no, go right on ahead man
The brown haired boy said with a kind smile to the blond
Jaune: thanks, Names Jaune by the way
The blond introduced as he sat down next to the boy
Boy: Peter
The boy introduced as the two shook hands and the bullhead took off, on the way the two boys got to know each other and actually got along quite well, as the bullhead started preparing to land a bunch of students looked out the widows to see the academy coming into view, it was multiple buildings overlooking the Hudson River, and a larger building with an A on the top in the center of all the buildings
Jaune: woah
The blond said impressed at the campus
Peter: I know right
Said the brown haired boy as the bullhead started to land and a voice came over the PA
Coulson: all new students please report to the main building for orientation
Said the voice of the man over the intercom before the bullhead full touched the ground and everyone started to get off
Peter: by main building I'm guessing they mean the big one with the A on it
He said to his new friend
Jaune: yeah let's go
He said as the two boys set off to orientation and keep talking, while distracted Jaune accidentally bumps into a Latina girl, with green eyes brown hair and a unique green ring on her left hand
Jaune: sorry about that
Said the blond as he helped the girl pick up the things she accidentally dropped
Girl: oh don't worry about it, I should have been paying more attention, I'm Jessica by the way
The girl introduced as they finished picking up the things
Jaune: well nice to meet you Jessica, I'm jaune, and my brown haired friend here is peter
He introduced as peter have a mock two finger salute
Jessica: well it's nice to meet both
She said as they all started heading to the main building and went into an auditorium as nick Fury stepped onto the stage
Nick: hello and welcome to avengers academy, by getting here you've proved that you all have what it takes to become the next generation of heroes, now you all bring something different to the table, speed, smarts, skill, strength, whatever, but your all the same in at least one respect, your willing to make any sacrifice to protect the innocent, here at the academy we'll focus on training you to be the best heroes you can possibly be and preparing you for the worst the world has to offer, now you can all pick up your class schedules and dorm assignments on your way out, initiation is bright and early tomorrow morning, until then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the campus, have a good day
The man said finishing his speech before stepping off the stage
The students all leave and grab there assignments along with maps of the campus, jaune met up with peter and smiled
Jaune: So what building are you in
The blond asked his new friend
Peter: building 4, how about you
He asked the blond
Jaune: same dude
Said jaune as they both smiled and kept walking before they got to a couple of large buildings each about the size of a small mansion and went into one of them
When they entered they saw a few students all talking to each other in the main lounge

Jaune is seen finishing with packing up his belongings to go to avengers academy when the voice of a familiar AI speaksJARVIS: Sir, the bullhead is outside ready to take you to the academySaid Jarvis as Jaune looked up from his suit caseJaune: tha...

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As they look around they see Jessica talking to a black haired boy
Jaune: Hey Jessica what's up
The boy greeted with a smile as he and peter walked up to the two
Jessica: oh hey guys, this is my friend Kyle
Kyle: hey how's it going
Said the black haired lantern with a smile to the boys
Jaune: nice to meet you man
He said shaking the boy's hand
Before the group continued looking around the academy and meeting the people they were going to be sharing a dormitory with until it was finally time for bed and the students went into there rooms

As they look around they see Jessica talking to a black haired boy Jaune: Hey Jessica what's upThe boy greeted with a smile as he and peter walked up to the twoJessica: oh hey guys, this is my friend KyleKyle: hey how's it goingSaid the black hair...

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Jaune: I think I'm gonna like it here

The blond said to himself with a smile before shutting off his lights and drifting off to sleep

Remember to ask the students and staff any questions you have for them they will answer you at the beginning of the next chapter, you can ask any of the students or faculty questions even if they haven't appeared yet

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