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Chapter four


𝘼 𝙗𝙞𝙩 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧, Monroe sat on her bedroom windowsill smoking a cigarette trying to avoid Dumbledore, who was undoubtedly looking for her as she was yet again skipping Transfiguration.

She was leaning her head onto the window frame until she notice a familiar owl flying towards her. She smiled and held out her hand for her family owl, Ivy, to land on.

When the owl did, Monroe petted her head as the owl placed the envelope she was carrying into her awaiting hand.

The girl stubbed out her cigarette before ripping the wax seal off of the envelope, revealing a letter from her mother.

Dear Monroe,

How's sixth year going for you so far? I know you've only been gone for a day but it's awfully quite with just me and your father. He's talking about all that 'pure-blood' nonsense a lot more often now, it's deathly boring. On the 23rd him and I are supposed to attend a ball or a meeting or whatever it is at Abraxas Malfoy's estate. I'm dreading it more though this time as your father said it's time for Will to attend. I tried to convince him otherwise, but you know more than anyone, once your father has his mind set on something, there's no changing it.
Anyway, I shall see you as soon as you step off of that train for Christmas brake. I miss you.

love, Ma.

Monroe smiled at the letter at the beginning but once it neared the part about William joining them for the meeting at Malfoy Manor it quickly disappeared.

She knew what happened at those meetings, no matter how hard her mother tried to make it seem better for her sake, but as always if he farther wants something he gets it, and he wanted those meetings to be known.

She quickly pulled a piece of parchment out of her drawer and began got scribble out a reply to her mothers letter.

Dear Ma,

Sixth year is going okay so far, had a lesson with the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs today, the upside is that I was with Alex the downside, Professor Holiday made a new seating plan and I have to sit next to bloody James Potter of all people, and as for father and the pure-blood situation, I've also notice it's become more prominent these days. I shall write again soon.

- Love Monroe

She folded the parchment and placing it in an envelope and passed it to Ivy, who took it a flew away without looking back.

Once Ivy left her view she quickly rushed out of her seat on the windowsill to go and search for her brother who was undoubtedly also skipping a lesson in his dorm.

She ran up the stairs that lead to her brothers dorm, no caring if any boys saw her or questioned her as she arrived at his door and began banging loudly.

"Wait a fucking second!" Yelled the voice of her brother as she continued banging loudly until he yanked the door open a look of murder on his face which turned to one of annoyance when he saw his sister as she barged pass him walking into the dorm making him scoff and shut the door behind her.

"Why aren't you in lesson," he questioned but when his nose picked up on the sent of nicotine he added on, "and why've you been smoking?"

She rolled her eyes and said, "Piss off you hypocrite." She said, pointing to the ash tray that sat adorn his windowsill.

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