Chapter Three - Parties and Pranks

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Your P.O.V.


I pull out of the hotel parking lot placing the little ice bag in the seat next to me in the passenger seat. I smile to myself as I drive home. I can't believe I actually kissed Gustav. I mean it was only on the cheek but still. I get home and hop out of my car grabbing the ice so it doesn't make my car's seat super wet and gross. I head into the house and my sister is sitting on the couch.

"That's a new bruise, did you fuck?" I scoff.

"No, we did not fuck. Some guy came up to my car and grabbed my arm while I was waiting for him." My sister turns to me.

"Some guy assaulted you?!" I nod and sit down on the couch.

"It's okay though Gustav came to my rescue." She laughs.

"You mean the dude from the boyband you're obsessed with. What'd you do pull up a picture of him and go 'leave me alone I have a boyfriend.'"

"Hah hah very funny, no I was on a little date with him." She laughs.

"Yeah you must be going insane, and I thought I'd be the first to go." I get up and drop my now melted ice bag on her head and I run to my room.

"YOU LITTLE FUCKER!!!" I lock my door and laugh as she attempts to open my door.

"I'm gonna get your ass for this!"

"No, you won't. You love me too much." She groans and heads to her room and I chuckle heading over to my bed and sitting down. I hear my phone ding and I pull it out of my pocket I see a text from Gustav asking me if I got home safe. I text back saying that I did and thanking him for the ice again. He says it's not a big deal and that he hopes to see me again. I smile as I text back that I'd love that. I go to put my phone down but I get another text this time it's from an unknown number. The person texting says they're Tom and that there's a party tomorrow and that I should go since Gustav never has a date. I text back saying sure and I go to look in my closet to see if I have anything nice to wear. I grab the outfit and place it on my desk and I go to bed.

I wake up the next day and head downstairs for some food my mom and sister are in the kitchen.

"You're up late." I look over at the clock.

"Ma' it's only noon." She chuckles. I head over to the fridge and grab some stuff to make a sandwich. I finish making my sandwich and I put everything away I grab my food and head over to the couch watching some T.V. while I eat my sandwich. I switch the channel and land on a live interview with Tokio Hotel. I smile as I watch.

"So I can't help but notice that you guys are all wearing matching jewelry." They all nod and Bill answers.

"Yeah a fan made these for us and they're just so lovely that we can't help but wear them whenever we can," Tom speaks up.

"Yeah, plus Gustav never stops talking about them." Gustav blushes.

"So is there a chance that Gustav and this fan have something going on?" Everyone turns to Gustav. He shakes his head before speaking.

"We only just met, if anything happens it'll be naturally through us hanging out." I smile at his comment. I'm glad he didn't just dey my existence. My sister comes over.

"So which one is your boyfriend?"

"One, he's not my boyfriend, and two he's the one with the short blonde hair and the baseball cap." She nods.

"Yeah, not my type."

"Well duh, he's my type." She gets up from the couch and goes to her room while I watch tv for the next few hours. Tom texts me an address and I take that as my cue to get ready. I head into my room and grab the outfit I had on my desk and take a real quick shower drying my hair and doing whatever else I need to do to get ready. I head out to my car and put the address into my GPS. I drive up to what looks like a rentable mansion and I park my car.

"Holy shit this place is big." I hear someone knock on my passenger-side window. I look over to see Tom. I roll down my window.

"I didn't think you'd actually come." I laugh.

"Yeah I get it, I seem like I don't party." He nods.

"Come on in Gustav doesn't know you're coming so it'll be a surprise." I get out of my car following Tom into this party. It's loud and people are drunk all over the place some people are dancing some are kissing, it's a total shit show. Tom leads me to an area that's calmer and points at Gustav nodding his head as a go-ahead. I walk up to Gustav.

"Hey is this seat taken?" Gustav looks up with a shocked expression.

"(Name)? What are you doing here?"

"Tom invited me, and said something about you not having a date." Gustav looks away. He mumbles something before turning to me.

"Well I'm glad you're here so I don't have to suffer alone." I laugh and I sit next to him. We end up talking for a really long time before Tom comes up to us with Bill and a few girls not too far behind him.

"Gustav, (Name) wanna play a game with us?" I look at him quizzically.

"What game?" He smirks.

"Spin the bottle." I look at Gustav and he sighs.

"If we don't he's gonna complain to me all night about it." I laugh and nod standing up.

Gustav stands up after me and we both follow Tom to a little circle of pillows that had obviously been set up beforehand. I go to sit next to Gustav but Bill pulls me down next to him so now I'm a few spots away from Gustav. I look at Bill and he just smiles at me. Tom sits down and speaks.

"How about you go first (Name)." I sigh and spin the bottle. It lands on Gustav. I'm shocked when Bill takes my hand and drags me over to a closet gently throwing me in. He mouths sorry before Gustav gets pushed in by Tom. They close the door and I hear it lock. I turn to Gustav.

"We don't have to do anything if you don't want to." He nods.

"I've been wondering about the kiss yesterday." I blush.

"Oh yeah sorry about that, I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable." He smiles.

"No, it didn't make me uncomfortable at all. It was sweet." I lean back on the wall.

"Do you think they forgot about us?" He nods.

"Oh definitely." I sigh and sit down on the floor. Gustav sits down next to me.

"I'm sorry about them." I laugh.

"It's alright. I kind of expected this to happen." I look over at Gustav and he looks like he's thinking about something. He looks up at me.

"Um you have something in your eyelashes could you close your eyes for a second." I nod and close my eyes I feel his hand brush over my eyelid then I feel his hand cup my face. I'm confused for a moment but then he kisses me. It's gentle and shaky. I kiss back hoping to encourage him. He gets a little less shaky before letting go of me and leaning back I open my eyes and he's blushing.

"I'm sorry you just look so pretty and maybe I drank a bit, I couldn't help myself." I smile and put my hand on his arm.

"It's okay, I liked it." He smiles. I look over at the door.

"Look's like we're sleeping in the closet tonight." He laughs and puts his arm around my shoulder pulling me into him. I blush and close my eyes.

"Get some rest (Name)."

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