Part 1

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"Ohh great.." Slenderman sigh as I followed him towards a large mansion in the woods. "They're not that bad.." I kept on my silent mood and just hear what Slenderman have to say. "They're just playful and loud sometimes but hey.. you're gonna love them!" I could imagine him smiling at me when he turn around. I smiled slightly at him as he opens the door. "Guys I'm back!"

I saw a few weird looking people came running towards Slenderman but quickly stop when they saw me. "Who are you?" A girl,probably 13 or 12 was looking at me while pointing her finger at me. I just stare at it as Slenderman answer her question. "My new Proxy" "WHAT?!" A guy with a white mask turn around,literally yelling at us. I covered my ears a little as another one,this time wearing a black mask I guess turn around to see what the ruckus was about. A guy who was wearing goggles and a mask that looks like it was smiling stared at us.

"I thought Toby was the last.." A guy with jet black hair pointed his knife at me. His skin colour was white,I think its whiter than the snow! His eyelid was burnt as a smile like mouth was carve on his face. Beside him,a boy with blonde hair with elf like outfit nodded. "Believe me,this one's special" I look at Slenderman who I think was smiling? I can't tell. I turn to the others who was looking strangely at me. After Slenderman left to his room,they all form a circle around me as they began to question me. "Where are you from?" "How did you find Slenderman?" "Do you know us?" "Did someone killed your family?"

My eyes widen at the sentences as tears form around my eyes. Everyone backed up away from me as I walk away towards the kitchen. I stood there quitely as flashback came towards my mind.


"Y/N!" I turn around to see my twin sister smiling happily as she run towards me. I smiled back and hug her when she laughs. "Promise me you won't leave me?" I look suprise at her question but nodded. "I'll protect you sis,even if it causes my life" I smile and wipe her tears as she pinky promise me.

~End of flashback~

I was interupted when I saw a guy who was wearing a blue mask with black oozes coming out of his eyes. "H-hey? A-are you alright?" I look puzzled at first but then I felt my cheeks wet. I nod my head and went to find Slenderman. Literally EVERYONE look at me when I walk pass the hallway. "Have you see-" "He's out.." This can't be good. "Whe-" "We'll show you.." A-are they reading my mind?! The same guy who wore a white mask,black mask with hoodies came towards me and drag me upstairs. As they showed me around a little bit before coming to my bedroom,I look around to see many paintings of people hanging on the wall. Mostly of people I don't know.

I shrug it off and thanks both of them. They smiled and continues to go downstair. After I made sure all the doors were lock,I took out my belonging and put it in one place. I lay down on the bed and felt fast asleep as I think of my job for tommorrow.

New Proxy (Creepypasta x Reader![Male])Where stories live. Discover now