Part 2

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3rd person's POV
"Is he alright?" Jeff look at Masky as he shrug. "Bets me.." "He looks.. kinda-" "Weird.." "Nah,more like cool.." "Nope,I'm cooler" "Toby.. your lame" "..... HEY MASKY HEY MASKY HEY MASKY HEY" "GOD SHUT UP.." They all facepalm as Toby and Masky fought with each other. They all went silent when Slenderman came in. He looks around before turning to them. "Where's Y/N?"

They all point at his room at the same time as he nodded. He went to the stairs but stop and turns to them again. "Did you do something weird to him?" They shock their head slowly. "He was quite when we ask him question tho.." He shock his head and 'smiled' at them and turns around before saying. "You'll know when he's comfortable with you~" He gave all of them a flying kiss making them gross out before walking to his room laughing. "Ewwww" Ben shivers at the thought.

Later that night after everyone had dinner without Y/N cause he didn't want to. A few hours later,Y/N quickly and swiftly opens his bedroom door and went outside. He went to the kitchen with a 'whale mating sound' stomach to grab something to eat. Idiot.. why didn't you eat with them?! He sigh when he saw nothing good to eat. He was about to go back to his room when Hoodie show up infront of him. He jump back a little but got up when Hoodie hold his arm.

"What are you doing?" Hoodie tilt his head as Y/N look away. "I-I.. I'm just.." "N-no need to worry,Masky will give y-you cheesecake!" Y/N look at him confused before nodding when he saw Masky and Toby behind him. "Hungry?" Masky smirk as Y/N blush. "N-no!" He wanted to walk back to his room but later stop when Ben grab his hand. "Stay with us! We want to know more about you!" Y/N wanted to yank his hand away but saw Ben's cute puppy eye. He sigh in defeat as Jeff pulled him towards the dining room.

"Stop it you guys.." I wanted to throw this cheesecake so bad at them cause. They're staring at me funny! Like I'm some sort of alien of something. "Your eyes.." I look at Ben who has sparkle in his eyes. "They're pretty.." I blushed slightly and nodded. "So in day time you wear a (f/c) and (2/f/c) jacket along with an eye patch and mask that covers your mouth but in the night you wear-" "Glasses? I know.." They stared intensely at me making me shiver. "Why black tho? And why does your face doesn't have any damage?" I stop eating and look at them. "There's a reason I wear this you know"

They tilt their head at the same time like a robot. Da hell is wrong with this weirdos? I continue to eat the cheesecake ignoring the stares of death. "You have light (e/c) eyes,its beautiful and rare" My face was red as they smirk. "Ohoho~ Looks like someone red" I glare at them as they laugh. "So.. whats your weapon?" "My hands.." They all were silent as I look weirdly at them. "What?" "hands? Really?" I shrug at them as they look at each other with confused face. "There must be a reason Slendy bought you here.."

I stood up and grab the plates towards the sink. As I was washing it,I couldn't help but stare back at them. "Stop it!!!!" "What?" "Stop staring at me!" "We are not!" "Yes you were!" "What proof?" "Your doing it right now!" "... angry black cat [mumbles: thats actually cute..]" "WHAT?!" "Hehehe~" "COME BACK HERE!!"

Slenderman's POV
"So.. hungry.." I walked down the stairs to grab a midnight snack. Hey,don't judge. I was about to walk to the kitchen when I saw Y/N and the others goofing around. "Run for your life!" I sweat drop as they chase each other around the kitchen. They'll get along very well.. I smiled and went back to my room.

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