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She's been rather quiet. No attempts to kill me. No fights. Not even a glare in my direction. For the whole week may I add. It's suspicious. I expected more. How disappointing. However, I am also thankful. I'd been spending my time with Lesso, enjoying her company. Why not make use of Hellman's silence?  Luckily, she wasn't too busy with paperwork; her usual pile seemingly disappeared at my sudden availability.

I walk along the corridor with a smile on my face, shaded by a cap, heavy boots sounding rhythmically in the background of my friends conversation, something about stealing Yuba's staff and leaving it in the bush of enchanted flowers. This was typical behaviour for them.

Hester clutches my attention with her sudden change of topic. 

"So, I want to take Beatrix on a date. But there's nowhere to go." She complains. The pair had made it official around four days ago, Hester sat at her table and then Hort caught them holding hands. Whether or not they wanted people to know, I'm not sure. If they didn't...well..should've been more discreet.

"Why don't you go on a picnic or something." I suggest, shrugging my shoulders when she looks surprised.

"Aww..is that what you and Lesso did on your first date?" She replies, and to my bewilderment, not sarcastically at all. Genuinely interested.

"Me and Leonora haven't been on a date, Hester."

"What?" Dot exclaims, the others look at me with wide eyes. "Then when did you two first kiss?"

"Oh, on all the spotted dogs, please tell me you aren't the type of person who thinks you have to go on a date before kissing." I roll my eyes at their astonishment. They all continue to look shocked. They aren't serious. Right?

"When." Anadil emphasises, ignoring my question.

"The night of the ball. I left early if you remember, she kissed me then."

"We need details Y/N. Cmon." Hester whines, Hort nods his head vigorously to empasise her point. I groan but knowing them they won't give in anytime soon.

"She practically broke into my room, pinned me against the wall, kissed me, stole my key and found her suit. Happy now?"

"So she wall fucked you?" Hester gasps.


"Who wall fucked you?" A new voice drops in, one that I am overly familiar with. Her words are entwined with a seductive tone. For fucks sake.

"Hey my love." I smile and wrap my arms around her neck. Her hands find my waist with perfect practice as she leans down to place a kiss on my covered forehead. She pulls away and looks at the others, who stand there awkwardly. Except for Hort who stares with fascination prominent in his eyes.

"Does anyone care to explain?" She hums, voice laced with the same seductive tone as previous. If she wasn't holding me I'd be on the floor; legs folded beneath me. God what has she done to me. She raises an eyebrow, and with a sigh Hester answers the question.

"It was a joke, we just can't believe you haven't taken Y/N on a date."

"Which I don't need you to do, your presence is enough for me." I interject. A smile from you is enough to satisfy me for weeks.

"Get a room." Anadil groans. The others laugh, Lesso lets out a small chuckle. "Anyways, let's leave Y/N in the experts hands. Bye Y/N!" She finishes, dragging the others with her. And I'm left in the corridor with Lesso's front to my back. She places a few soft kisses on my neck. I spin in her arms to face her.

"I like this outfit." The redhead says, kissing my cheek and running her cold hand from my waist to my hip repeatedly. Her finger lifts up my chin so she can meet my eyes. "But the cap has got to go, I can't kiss you." She frowns. I laugh at this and remove the garment, using my magic to teleport it to my room. She very quickly has her mouth on mine. She pulls away and leans to whisper in my ear. "Such a pretty girl."

"Stop trying to seduce me Leonora." I joke rolling my eyes.

She laughs. "I believe I've already done that." She smiles and looks at me, eyes glittering like the sun shining on the ocean. My heart beats faster at the sight. "Alright DeVil enough staring. Let's go buy you some more fabric as you're going to exhaust yourself by spelling it."

"And where exactly are we going to get fabric from?" I ask. She says nothing and just winks. "Fine be secretive but I'm not paying."

"Wouldn't dream of it." And suddenly I'm teleported to a town centre.

"Okay that was cool."

"Thank you darling." She hums, taking my hand and dragging me to the closest fabric shop. We, or more accurately I, look for the fabrics I'm running lowest on. Red Velvet. Black Chiffon and some White Satin. What I'm going to use it for I have no clue.

Lesso then bought food at a cafe and we sat at the table. As I ate the sweet pastry and drank my tea I saw her throwing glances at a bookstore across the street.

"On all the Dalmatians love, you're killing me." I huff.


"Cmon reader, let's go." I say grabbing her hand and dragging her to the store. She raises an eyebrow and I roll my eyes pushing open the door. She drops my hand softly to run her hands along the shelves of books, stopping at the horror section. Typical.

I pick up a copy of 'The Book Thief' and wait for her choice. She places two books on the counter and I pull out my wallet. She tries to stop me and I simply slap her hand away. It's not much but I grab the books and glance at the titles.

'Frankenstien' and 'The Scarlett Letter'. Classics. Why am I not surprised. When we arrived back at the castle I handed her the novels. She pulls me in by the waist and buries her head in the crook of my neck. "Thank you." She mumbles.

"You can never stop a reader from reading, love." I explain. She smiles and kisses me. If only this could last forever I think, as she kisses me harder.

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