Ch:2 pt:1

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I woke up to darkness, feeling like I had been put through a shredder, its blades cutting me a thousand times over. I groaned, a scratching, terrible sound that only intensified the pain in my head. I tried to get up, but the effort sent a wave of pain and nausea crashing through my body. I took a deep breath, but I couldn't seem to get enough air. I panicked, struggling to breathe.

my chest heaved as I gasped for air. "Help," I wheezed, my fingers clawing at my lungs. A low growl echoed in the night air, I froze my instincts took over, I raised my head to see a lone wolf stalking towards me, its teeth bared in a snarl Fear, cold, emotionless fear I don’t think I can explain that feeling even now the feeling of death looming over you mocking you as you struggle to survive it's so... powerful, it makes you do things that you didn’t know were vision filled with red and in a split second I was on my feet my hands were covered in blood but I couldn't feel any pain the wolf lunged its mouth gapping open beads of saliva dripped from its jaws inches  away from my face, then it disappeared a piece of jagged metal ripping through its flesh burrowing itself into white bone before tearing itself from my grasp I ran chasing after the body stabbing it all became a blur fear made me run faster hit stronger, but the fear became tears and the strength disappeared replaced with exhaustion my hands fell from the metal slick from blood. blood, that’s what I needed, no oxygen. My head felt foggy. I couldn't see straight. Everything was blurry. something was in front of me. My arm reached out it felt fuzzy like a cloud, a soft fluffy cloud 

A fuzzy warmth touched my skin giving me a warm feeling before it was blocked out by a bitter cold making me involuntary shiver then the warmth was back again along with a stabbing at my eyes, I let out a sharp yelp before looking away and opening my eyes which became filled with green
"Good, you're alive." I let out a startled yelp and jumped back something slammed against my head, and everything went black in an instant.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a strange bed, the stiff mattress and metal bars on either side preventing me from falling out. A small table beside me held a cup of water, a few pill bottles, and a handheld mirror as well as some of my belongings and my clothes neatly folded. leather clamps lay on my hands, thankfully unused. The room had an odd style to it, like an old hospital, but with modern medical equipment scattered about. On either side of my bed were white and green Poko dot curtains, not unlike my current clothing
I lay in the hospital bed, my body begged for sleep, but my mind was restless as if I had been asleep for days. The stillness of the place felt unsettling, broken only by occasional footsteps and murmurs outside my door. Despite my efforts to tune them out, my curiosity got the better of me, and I strained to catch any snippets of conversation.

Suddenly, I heard a commotion from the room next to mine. It sounded like someone was in a lot of pain. I tried to ignore it, but my curiosity got the better of me. I slowly opened one eye and peered out from under my covers.

As the commotion grew louder, I felt a pang of empathy for the person in the room next to mine. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to the teenage boy and hoped he would be okay. I debated getting out of bed to check on him, eventually deciding against it
I lay still, trying to get back to sleep, but the sounds from the next room only grew louder. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore and gave in to my curiosity. Slowly, I pushed myself up onto my elbows and strained to hear what was happening next door. The muffled voices of doctors and nurses were audible, and I could make out the sound of medical equipment being wheeled in. Something serious was happening, and I couldn't help but wonder who the patient was and what was wrong with them.
I peeked my head through the curtain, and a teenage boy around my age was thrashing around in pain, a large gash at his side. Docters surrounded him shoving a plastic mask against his face and strapping him against the bed using similar leather binds to the ones on my bed   The boy was tall and lean, with shaggy brown hair and piercing green eyes. His face was contorted in pain, and he clutched at his side as the medical team wheeled him into the room next to Coal's.

The doctors were discussing his injuries, but it all seemed like gibberish to me. I couldn't make sense of any of it. As they started to examine him, I noticed something strange. There were scratch marks on the boy's arms, and they looked like they came from an animal.

My heart started to race. Was there a wild animal on the loose in the hospital? Were we all in danger? As these thoughts raced through my mind, I felt a cold sweat forming on my forehead.
I pretended to be asleep as I heard footsteps approaching my bed. The nurse came over and checked my vitals, but she didn't wake me up. I thought I had successfully fooled her, but then she leaned in close and whispered in my ear.

"I know you're awake," she said softly. "The council will meet with you tomorrow. Get some rest... you will need it. "

With that, she left, closing the curtain behind her. I waited until the noise of high heels thudding against the tile floor became background noise before letting out a breath, I didn’t know I was holding.
As I lay there, I couldn't help but wonder about the so-called council and why they would want to meet with me. From what I know about the world usually hospitals are run by busy people with great influence and money who spend their time with paperwork and managing companies, so why would someone like that or rather multiple someone's, would want to meet some random kid in their hospital but then again this didn’t appear to be a regular hospital. The whimpers of pain slowly became loud, snoring as I gathered my thoughts.
I grabbed an old leather notebook from my belongings and began writing:
• Where am I
• What is the council
• What does said council want from me
• Who is the person in the bed next door, and how did he get that injury
• What happened to (what's his name)
• How did I get here
• Who saved me
My dad had always said it was better to get your thoughts out than to lose them, this however caused us to find many sheets of with random words on them
I closed my eyes and tried to drift off to sleep, but my mind kept replaying the events of the past few hours. The wolf, the fight, the fear... it all felt so surreal, like a nightmare that I couldn't shake off. I rolled onto my side and closed my eyes, letting my fatigue take over.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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