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Growing up we were always told the same things.

If you swallow a watermelon seed it will grow in your stomach.

If you stay in the rain you'll catch a cold.

Don't swim a hour after eating.

If you swallow gum it will stay in your stomach for 7 years.

Eating carrots helps your vision.

You swallow 7 spiders a year while sleeping.

And we be alive these things up until someone told us they were all false.

Despite maybe a few complaints, our parents they never faced any repercussions. Why? Because we knew they were just trying to keep us safe.

And when a kid doesn't listen then sometimes just sometimes they have to play into our fears.

Growing up I had a rule like this though I doubt any others had one like it.

"Stay out of the forest or you'll meet the black fox."

Fox's have always been seen as tricksters and mischievous, maybe even the devil reincarnated. But black foxes were different, we always assumed the 'black fox' was a stand in for death.

"Stay out of the forest or you'll meet death."

Others took a more reasonable approach to it.
Considering we all live in a small village there isn't much need for military or police. So, if you get lost in the forest there isn't much anyone can do including your parents. So maybe the tale was to keep get kids lost.

No matter how this tale was interpreted all the kids made sure to stay far away from what ever lurked in the woods.

We all knew it was just a tale thought nothing was really waiting in the forest, right?


I looked at myself in the mirror for quite sometime.

I wasn't wearing anything special just a small little black dress which was made from a few black leaves just like everyone one else. What made my stand out was the small little tie around my neck.

Ties were traditionally wore be the males in our tribe but I thought I might as well just try one, just for fun that's all.

The small tie was made from dark vines and a few leaves. but I noticed the leaves were different from the ones on my dress. They were a lighter colour and had a different sharper shape to them.

It was technically my fathers tie, but I'm sure he wouldn't notice if I used it.

He's more of the laid back parent.

I took a big breath to try and settle my nerves inhaling all the earthy scents around me.

I had a feeling mother wasn't going to be the happiest I was wearing a tie. she's quite traditional. Even thought the rest of our community is starting to get more accepting of that sort of stuff.

I started the long climbed down the ladder of our hut before eventually reaching the bottom level where the rest of my family was waiting.

"Reika!" my mother said in a stern voice. "We are going to the 'Natashavine'. The moon ceremony. The event event of the year! Does none of that matter to you."

"'Nakia' of course it does!" I protested while stepping of the final rung.

"Then why...." She paused finally looking at my outfit.

"Are you dressed like that-" she said with scowl.

"Amelia!" My father said in a roughy tone while pulling my younger brother in close before covering his ears.

My father always did this when he knew we were about to get into a fight.

"Nickson! Reika. Needs. to. Learn-"

"Learn!? Learn what she's a kid Amelia she can do as she pleases."

"They . . . " I said softly hoping maybe no one heard me.

My mom lifted her head and looked at me with a cold dead expression.

"Riffen lu nock, tus lea mosten!" My mother said shouting in our language.

"Would you stop with this craziness Reika!" I never heard my mother yell at me, let alone in our own language.
Our language was special how could she just disrespected it like that.

I could feel felt hot tears starting to run down my checks as I bit down on my lip.

"Reika- I-I" my mother said reaching her shaky hand towards my shoulder.

"'Nerou Mickaros lou-" I said sharply batting her hand away.

My mom and my dad were both slowly trying to make they way towards me, but I wanted they as far away as possible.

So I ran.

"Reika! Please come back I'm 'drimime'! Reika!"

The black foxWhere stories live. Discover now