Jimmy X Bob

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Bob stared through the window, streaks from the previous cleaning hindering his vision. His eyes narrowed as he saw his sworn enemy, a taller, brown-haired man who went by the name "Jimmy Pesto." But Bob knew that his real name was James Jimmy Poplopovich. He was angry, specifically at how unreasonably sexy he was. His chiseled jawline, his thick, luscious eyebrows. He clenched his fist, furrowing his eyebrows at the man who greeted his guests at a table in front of the window. His smile was perfect, the sharp corners of his mouth made the perfect half-circle shape, just showing a little teeth. His stupid, perfect whitened teeth. He bet he could afford health care too, couldn't he? The bastard. He continued wiping the window with half-effort. He was afraid of the way he felt when he looked across the street. When he stood outside, at the perfect time of day it was like he was glowing. He looked so.. perfect. Bob felt that maybe he was just jealous, but the slight tightening in his pants said otherwise. He blushed and pulled his apron down further, leaning against the counter.
He was startled as his wife walked in, smiling as she carried a half-full glass of dark red liquid, which Bob immediately identified as wine. She gave him a small smile, approaching him with her loud accent.
"Hey Bobby, you look uncomfortable. What's up hon?" She leaned against the counter, a concerned look on her face. "You can tell me anything."
He sighed, fidgeting for a moment, debating on whether or not he should tell her about the strange feeling he'd been dealing with. Jimmy was his enemy, right? Why have things suddenly changed?
He let out a sigh, staring down at the counter "Every time I look across the street, I get this.. weird feeling. Oh god-" He ran his hand through his thinned jet black hair, stressed by his feelings. "I feel so.. bothered. But, I hate him, right? I've always hated him."
Linda gave him a slight frown, setting her glass down and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Awe Bobby. Sounds like you've got a crush on Jimmy Pesto, hm?" She gave him a hug from the side, looking into his eyes. "Hey, it's okay. If you really want to try it out, I'm open to it."
Bob looked at her, worried that he would upset her in some way. But Linda would never say what she didn't mean. "A-are you really sure, Lin? I.. don't even know if I could go through with that, he's my rival." He brought a hand to slightly cover his face. "And… what if I like it? What will we do?"
She rubbed his back gently before going back to her glass of wine, smiling at him "It's okay Bobby, we'll figure it out if the time comes. Now go over there and make some love happen!" She grinned as she motioned him towards the door. He groaned, taking his apron off in a smoth motion before striding towards the door.
From across the street, Jimmy watched the man take off his apron. He wondered if he was that smooth with his clothes as well. His restaurant was closed for the day, but he couldn't help but make excuses on why he had to come in. In truth, he really just wanted to admire Bob. His perfect mustache, his beautiful arms, he could probably do so much with them. He imagined them all over his body. His chest, his hips. He shuddered at the thought, taking notice to the fact that he was making his way towards him, a nervous, flustered look on his face.
He made his way towards the door as Bob approached, opening it slightly.
"What do you want, Bob." He said in his typical mocking tone of voice. If only Trev was there to back him up.
Bob shifted from one foot to the other nervously before speaking up. "Could I come in?" Jimmy hesitantly agreed, opening the door further so that Bob could slip past. As soon as he got in, Jimmy subtly locked the door, getting Bob up against a wall. Bob's face was flushed as Jimmy cornered him, feeling nervous. He couldn't contain himself any longer. Jimmy pinned Bob to the wall, a knee between Bob's legs. Bob let out a small cry of suprise as he did so, looking up at the man who had him pinned. Was it happening already? They hadn't even had the chance to talk.
Jimmy looked down at Bob, a hunger in his eyes as he asked if it was okay for him to continue. Bob nodded, taking notice to Jimmy's desperate hands that were already on the hem of his shirt. He slipped a hand under, feeling around the man's hairy chest, getting painfully close to his pantline before pulling his hand away. He began to roughly kiss and bite bob's neck, almost animalistic in his actions. He tried to suppress small moans as he kissed and bit him, but eventually  he couldn't hold it in any longer. Jimmy pulled away from Bob as he was beginning to lean into it, smirking.
"I need you to do something for me, alright Bob?" He smiled maliciously as he lead Bob into a smaller, secret room off to the side by the bathrooms. As soon as they got into the room, which happened to be a storage closet, Jimmy had Bob pinned to the wall once more. He let out a little chuckle, seeing his sworn enemy so desperate under him. He pushed against him, kissing his neck once more before pulling away, backing up against the wall opposite. Despite the room being full of cleaning supplies, it wasn't very full. There was enough room for about 5 people to fit in the closet. How could he afford to keep a place like this?
"I need you to strip for me." Jimmy demanded, crossing his arms. Bob could see the little bit of muscle he had flex as he did so, his heart rate quickening. He hesitated, afraid of what Jimmy might say about his body, but the man in front of him was growing inpatient.
"Come on. Or do I have to take them off for you?" He looked him up and down, seeing the shorter man still standing there. "Well? Come on."
"Oh God." Bob muttered go himself, beginning to slowly take off his shirt, sort of awkward about it. He struggled to get it over his head. But Jimmy wasn't having his games, he furrowed his eyebrows before taking off his shirt, sliding his hands to his wrists and pinning them against the wall.
"Are you trying to piss me off?" Jimmy huffed as his hands moved to Bob's pants. Not quite taking them off, but resting them on the waistband. Bob moved his hands up to unbutton Jimmy's shirt, feeling his warm, soft skin against his hands as his thin shirt opened up. He looked down to his chest, seeing how gorgeously toned he was. Every aspect of him was so perfect. His tanned skin warm up against him as he got pushed back into the wall. He could feel Jimmy's bulge against him as he was pressed up, he wondered how big he was, how it felt. Jimmy began to gently rub his chest, circling around his nipples before gently pinching them. Bob felt himself become weak in the knees as he did so, bringing a hand to grip Jimmy's open shirt. He whimpered at his touch, looking up at him, into his deep brown eyes, they were half-lidded, lost in his mind. Lost in the pleasure of dominating his enemy.
He roughly grabbed Bob's wrists again, taking them both into the grip of his one hand, bringing the other down to rub his bits, which had been desperately craving his touch since early this morning. He pushed into his rubbing, begging him to take his pants off, but he removed his hand from his desperate member to slap against his mouth.
"I didn't tell you to speak." Jimmy looked up at Bob, a nearly disgusted look on his face. "You speak when I tell you to. Got it?"
Bob nodded in agreement, avoiding eye contact in embarrassment. How could he let him overpower him like this?
Jimmy grabbed what was left of Bob's hair in his fist that was previously pinning his arms, backing up and pulling Bob down to his knees. He unbuttoned his pants, lazily leaving them there resting on his hips before pulling out his semi-hard cock. Just as Bob expected, it was decent in width. It was mildly lacking in length, but he didn't mind. As long as it was inside of him, he didn't care about what it looked like. Jimmy looked up at Bob, frustrated.
"Are you just going to admire it or are you going to suck it?" He brought it closer to Bob's face, bringing a hand down to open his mouth. "I don't have all day"
Bob began to rub it gently before slowly taking it in. He started by giving it gentle licks around, wrapping his mouth around it. He ran his tongue along his length, feeling all of the imperfections and veins. He glanced up at Jimmy, seeing how much of a wreck he already was. But this was too much control for Bob to be in, Jimmy wanted to take over. He pushed Bob's head to the wall before he began thrusting his hips into his face, taking over the pace of which he sucked. He was fully hard now, seeing the man under him, on his knees so submissively for him. He let out a groan as he continued thrusting, picking up speed as he suddenly finished in Bob's mouth, surprising him. He pulled out of his mouth as he looked down at Bob.
"Swallow. All of it" He commanded. He was unsure, but he wasn't going to risk doing the opposite. He looked up at him, swallowing it. Feeling the warmth run down his throat. Surprisingly he enjoyed the feeling, he wasn't too sure about the taste, though. Jimmy tool hold of his hair once again, pulling him up onto his feet. Be ran a finger over his lips, narrowing his eyes for a moment before turning around to grab something off of a shelf. Bob was confused, what was he doing? He can't get him so desperate and just ditch him.
"What are you uh.. doing?" Bob managed to bring himself to ask, yet he was still afraid of the repercussion.
"Don't worry about it" Jimmy replied in that god awful annoying voice. Yet in the moment, he felt less irritated by it. He sighed, leaning himself against the wall, glancing down at his shirtless body. This felt wrong, especially since he had Linda. Was it okay to be doing such a thing with another man, while he had someone else in his life? He felt regretful as he stood there, slowly making his way to the door.
"I..I think this is a mistake- I'm going to go back to the restaurant."
Before he could get out of the door, though, Jimmy grabbed him by the wrist.
"Why back out so soon, Bob? You a coward or something?" He smirked that stupid typical smirk he did, hunger still in his eyes. Bob couldn't back out now, not after he called him that. He may admit that sometimes he was a coward, but he would not let his rival win. Jimmy saw Bob's compliance and his smirk turned into a grin. He grabbed him, pulling his arms behind his back and wrapping something around them, tight. He squirmed slightly, making Jimmy grab his hair and push him into the wall. Bob groaned in pain, struggling to free himself from what bound him. Jimmy trailed a hand down to Bob's pants, sliding the fabric off with ease. Bob felt the cold, stale air of the closet caress his skin as he was left bare. Jimmy let go of Bob, trusting in the ropes he'd wrapped around Bob's arms. He took off his pants, tossing them to the side before coming up behind Bob and wrapping a hand around his neck, gently squeezing. He took his other hand and brought it down to open his legs roughly.
He felt his length push through his thighs, sliding in and out slowly. He groaned slightly behind him, taking it and pushing Bob so he was slightly bent over.
"You ready?" He'd asked, but he didn't wait for an answer before he pushed half of his dick into the man bent in front of him. He moaned, trying to struggle out of the ropes to get a better balance. Every thrust pushed him, back and forth. He couldn't deny that even though it may have felt strange, it felt good. Heat pooled in his stomach as he continued to thrust into him. The room felt hotter as their breaths became heavier, the only sounds being their moans and the squelching of him pumping in and out. His mind was seemingly blank, focused on the tingling feeling, he was practically seeing stars. He winced though, as sharp pain spiked through his lower-half, he hadn't done this before and being his first time without any preparation was painful. His legs shook and he cried out slightly in pain, but his head snapped towards the door as a concerned man opened the door, wearing a green button-down shirt and brown jean-like pants. He froze at the sight, he wasn't expecting to see his boss like this, especially not with his rival.
"Oh. Oh my god-" He turned to leave, Jimmy desperately trying to explain himself before Trev ran off, leaving the restaurant. Jimmy let out an angry sigh, looking at Bob.
"Fuck. If you weren't so damn loud that wouldn't have happened, Bob." He grabbed Bob's shirt from the ground, shoving it into his mouth to muffle him. He continued to thrust into him roughly, making Bob cry out into the fabric, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.
"Ah~ ah, fuck- you're so tight" Jimmy moaned into Bob's ear, feeling the hot, wet breath against his neck. His nails clawed at his skin, leaving nasty red marks across his sides and back. He brought his face down to bite all over his shoulders and neck, a few breaking skin and causing Bob to cry out in pain. The rest of him was covered in bruises and angry bite marks. He was so satisfied with seeing his art, his enemy practically beaten under him. His thrusts became erratic and rough as he moaned into his ear once again, suddenly finishing inside of Bob. Bob's legs trembled as he felt the warm release of his semen inside of him, dripping down his legs and onto the floor as he pulled out, panting.
"Did… ah- you finish?" He struggled to create even that simple sentence through fast paced desperate breaths.
Bob shook his head, the cloth still in his mouth hindering his ability to speak. He brought Bob to a spot where he could sit him up, looking into his eyes before bringing a hand to his dick, his hand wrapping around and rubbing painfully slowly. He felt how wet he was with pre-cum and sweat, using it as lube to slide his hand along. He watched as Bob squirmed from his touch, eyes full of tears. He leaned into him, using his other hand to rub his chest, getting him off further.
"God you're so pathetic sitting here under my control." Bob spread his legs further, allowing Jimmy further access.
"I just fucked you, what more could you want? You're so needy, God." He removed the shirt from his mouth, grabbing his chin to open his mouth. He stuck a finger in, feeling the warmth and slime as he lubed up his fingers, getting them coated in the man's saliva before taking them out, circling around his entrance for a moment before inserting them, making Bob jolt and moan. His legs trembled and he clutched Jimmy, begging him to go faster. He did exactly that, fingers pushing in and out at a pace Bob had never experienced before. He took his other hand and began to stroke his dick once again, overstimulating Bob. He felt dizzy and his vision was blurred, entire body trembling as he clutched Jimmy. Finally, he came, the liquid squirting all over Jimmy's hand and stomach. He took his fingers out, looking at Bob as he raised an eyebrow.
"What's up with you? Why are you clinging to me so hard-"
Bob looked up at Jimmy with big, pleading tired eyes. "Everything is so blurry. Oh God, I'm so dizzy-"
Jimmy hesitantly brought him closer, allowing him to cling. "Well- just wait it out. Then get out, alright? I don't want to see you here."
Bob nodded in agreement slowly, his hands falling to his side, exhausted. His breaths became more shallow as he calmed down, feeling warmth from Jimmy's embrace. He felt comforted, oddly, he didn't know that Jimmy could make him feel this way. He was a little put off by how rough Jimmy was, but his gentle touch afterwards was worth the pain.

AN: I hope you enjoyed the read! I wrote it in like 2 days so I hope it's not too bad

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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Pizza Burger (Bob x Jimmy pesto) lemon oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now