chapter 1 < 3 .

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Azalea's pov: 

I wake up to my alarm buzzing so loud I could physically rip my ears off, I groan in annoyance and check the time and it says  6:00 am "Great I'm already gonna be fucking late" I sigh then stretch and finally get out of bed and head to the toilet as I see my cat just laying in my doorway meowing; gosh she scared me "Hey Lady, good morning baby" I stroke her then go and brush my teeth. By the time I'm finished its already 6:13 Miss Henderson is literally going to kill me if I don't get to her class by 6:50. I walk over to my closet and pick out a random black hoodie and some grey sweats to go with it as I can't be bothered to find any cute clothes today "This will have to do" I put on the clothes and sit down at my makeup area and attempt to put some concealer on because girl these eye bags are bagging anyways so as I was saying I put some makeup on then add lashes because ain't no way I'm going out to school without my precious babies and yes I do call them my babies, if you don't like it well then too bad go suck a dick. After I've done everything I pick out a necklace and some earrings to go with it then run downstairs to put my shoes on as its already 6:38 and I should've been in the car already driving to school 8 fucking minutes ago. I shout "Bye mum I'm off now I love you" and RUN to my car then go pickup my best friend Dominique as he already called me about 100 times the poor thing.. By the time we got to school it starts pouring it down "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE I HATE ENGLAND" Dominique gives me a look and says "Girl why is you shouting its 7 in the fucking morning PLEASE for the love of god lets just go inside and shush okay thanks" I give him a death stare meaning 'fuck you' then get out the car and lock it. We both have biology together so we walk to class, and of course Miss Henderson starts shouting her head off and it almost looks like she's fighting her demons. Me and Domi try our very best not to burst out laughing because come on now who the hell can actually take Miss seriously?? Like she always looks high as fuck and if she's on crack or something. I sigh then we both just say sorry then sit down and get on with our work even though I do not understand a single thing but I try act as if I do. I start daydreaming about random stuff and I don't even realise the bell has gone and Domi is trying to catch my attention so we can finally leave that shithole of a class. Yet as we try leave Miss Henderson calls both of our names so we groan and say "Yes Miss" at the same time then give eachother this look that makes us burst out of laughter. Jeez we're childish.. She just tells us to not be late to her lesson again tomorrow otherwise we get excluded or some shit to be honest I wasn't listening at all. Me and Domi then get out of her class and start walking to French but oh myyyy i saw the cutest most handsomest boy I've ever seen in my entire life. I make sure to look at Domi to check if he's also seen him and he sure has and literally screamed "GOD DAMNN HE WAS FINE" while looking at me with his hand on his mouth "GIRLL DID YOU SEE THE WAY HE LOOKED AT ME OH MY GODD" We giggle to ourselves and carry on walking to French. The rest of the lessons went by pretty quick and with no time I was at home in my amazing comfy bed.

hii my lovess its my first ever time writing a story and english isnt my first language so if i fucked anything up or something dont @ me please and thanks, 

 i'll continue with chapter 2 tomorrow as im way too tired rn but i love you all my angels mwah byee <33.

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