chapter 2

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐: 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐦𝐚

When I started walking to class early the next day the events of the previous night flooded my mind. I didn't expect Bakugou to help me or to even show up at all. After all, the last time I saw him he was a bully.


"Hey bitch!" Bakugou called out, I sped up and turned to corner in the school towards an empty hall when I felt my entire body jerk and hit the lockers. He had caught up to me and pin me against the lockers with his face so close to mine I could feel him breathing on me. My eyes watered as I stood defenseless under his weight. "Oh, you're crying? You're weak and small, an extra in my life. Don't ever embarrass me in class again." I never tried to embarrass him; I had just asked him out loud in class if he needed help with his project. I whimpered and nodded. "Good girl, now get the fuck out of my face." He growled with a smirk on his face as he pushed me away. I ran away quickly sobbing.


When I reached the building my class was in, I snapped out of it and realized Kirishima was in front of me. "Uraraka I didn't know you went here! Oh my gosh are you okay? I'm so sorry about last night, I hope Bakugou didn't cause much trouble. When you ran out, he realized you cut your leg and ran after you." He looked down towards my leg and saw that I had applied a new band-aid. I nodded and smiled faintly. "It's okay, I got home safe and my leg already feels way better. Thank you."

He had a pained smile. I assured him I was fine and told him I was happy to see him again although Bakugou making an appearance did throw me off. We exchanged numbers so that we would be able to talk and send photos of his cat. He did end up naming her Power because of his passion for being strong. During the day I couldn't stop thinking about the past and how much Bakugou hurt me but was suddenly willing to save me last night. Maybe three years changed him, but he did seem a bit upset when he first saw me. I sighed and walked towards a vending machine around the corner of my English class.

That's when my eyes met a pair of strikingly red eyes. I jumped and pretended that I didn't notice him and walked towards the vending machine next to him and tried to ignore him. His presence was so intense I could feel my heart beating faster. That's when I saw in the corner of my eye that he had gotten closer to me. "How's the leg?" He asked in his deep voice that gave me shivers. I looked up at him, he was so close I could smell him, it was like a faint smell of cat and cologne. "Um, it's o-okay. Thank you." For some reason he seemed almost sad as he looked at me. "How's your hands?" I asked with a nervous laugh. He glared at me and stood up looking away. "It doesn't matter." He frowned.

"Okay." I said, starting to walk away when he inched in front of me blocking me from leaving. I let out a small whimper and my eyes began to well up with tears. His eyes expanded and he held his arm out as if surprised. I flinched and tripped backwards against the wall. It felt like high school all over again. "I'm sorry." He said weakly walking away swiftly up the stairs. I began to breathe again, and I rubbed away my tears. It was like a snake had been constricting me and suddenly let go when he left.

"Thanks for hanging out with me Deku, I really missed being able to talk to my friends." I smiled as Deku sat across from me in a local coffee shop. We both had a cup of coffee with some pastries. The shop was cozy and sweet with the smell of hipster college kids studying here all day. He beamed back at me and held my hand.
"Of course! Even though I don't go to the same school I can always make time to see you. After all you're my best friend." His eyes glistened as he let go and took a sip of the coffee. I was relieved to be with him after everything last night, and I knew that if I told him everything he wouldn't judge.

That is until he almost spit out his coffee after hearing Bakugou's name. "HE WHAT?" he yelled, getting dirty looks. He lowered his head. "Bakugou goes to your school? Are you okay? I mean after everything he did to you; I didn't think he'd do all that after three years of not seeing each other." He said. I nodded slowly. "I know, it's confusing and every time I'm around him now it's almost like my body hasn't forgotten all the torment, he's put me through. It's like my body remembers the fear. "Well, that's trauma for you Uraraka. It's okay to still feel that way. You don't have to forgive him or force yourself to be okay around him." My eyes flooded with tears as I remembered the feeling of being so scared that I felt as if I was going to die.

That evening I stopped by the store again for dinner and a small cat toy caught my eye. It was a small wand with bright yellow and green feathers on it. I gasped and picked it up and when I held it towards the store's ceiling light spiky blonde hair caught my eye walking in the store. The doors slid open and closed behind him letting in a rush of cold air. I shivered peeking at him from above the aisle. It seemed that ever since that day I couldn't stop running into him. I moved quickly towards the front counter as he moved back towards the freezers.

"Did you find everything okay?" The cashier asked as he scanned my items. I nodded and reached into my purse when a hand slammed a 20-dollar bill onto the counter. I jumped and looked up at Bakugou who avoided eye contact with me.

After I walked outside, I faced him who still couldn't look at me. "Thank you, but I could've handled it myself." I said tightly grasping the plastic bag of groceries. He sighed, hanging his head low. "Here." I pulled out the cat toy and handed it to him. "It's for Power, I was going to give it to Kirishima tomorrow at school." He fidgeted with it in his hands and clutched it tight in his fist.

"I'm changed, you know. From high school. I'm not like that anymore." He tensed up and looked like he was struggling with something on his mind. I studied his eyes and his mouth tightening as if he was holding back saying more. "I know you must see me as a monster." he added, burying his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants.

My chest tightened. I felt like he wasn't lying, I mean he did help me. "I don't think I'm ready to forgive you yet for the things you did but I do believe that you've changed." I said. He didn't look as aggressive as he used to and his gaze softened. Our eyes met and I could see something definitely had changed. "Okay." Is all he said and then he walked away down the street towards his apartment.

I let out a big breath of air and placed a hand on my chest where my heart was and felt my heartbeat slow. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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