Chapter 7

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(Clara's POV)
I am now nine months and can go into labor at anytime. Currently I am home just resting since I was feeling some discomfort in my lower back and hips while my husband is taking the dog for a walk. "Mmmmm owww." I say wincing feeling some pain as I sit up. "You good love?" My husband asks coming over to help me. "Yeah I'm fine. I've been sitting in the same position for over an hour." I say situating myself more and breath deeply feeling pain. "You sure?" He asks worried about me seeing the pain I'm in. "Positive." I say looking up at him. "Okay. Let me know if anything changes." He says kissing my head and head to the kitchen to give Simba a treat. I nod and just rest on the couch and wince a bit more in pain feeling the pressure get worse. "Some water for you love. Are you okay?" He asks coming back with a bottle of water for me and sees my face. "Nope. I think you should call my doctor and my mom." I say looking at him. He just nods and calls my mom first then my doctor explaining everything to her. I wince a bit in pain and breathe deeply holding onto the arm of the couch. "Just breathe love. She says to just time each contraction. She will be here soon." Aurélien says coming back and rubs my shoulder gently. "Mmmmkay." I say relaxing and grab my phone and open my app to track my contractions. "What do you want me to do?" He asks. "I'm not sure yet. Let me think." I say getting annoyed a bit and slowly stand up from the couch needing to walk around. "Okay." He says helping me up. I let him and sigh feeling more pain standing up but push past it as I walk to the bedroom but stop and lean against the wall feeling a contraction and clench my fist breathing through it. "Easy love." Aurélien says gently rubbing my back and tracking my contraction. "Mmmmmkay. Thats done." I say relaxing and unclench my fist. "That wasn't that long of a contraction." He says looking at my tracker. "Really? It felt long." I say looking at it. "See." He says showing me. "Okay. Can you get the door? It's either my mother or my doctor. Simba is going crazy." I say hearing a knock at the door and take my phone. "Alright." He says going to answer the door. I go to the bedroom and head into the bathroom. "Oh lord. Whelp water just broke fantastic." I say feeling a gush of water down my legs. "Honey?" I hear my mother ask knocking on the door. "Yeah mom?" I ask cleaning up and changing. "You good?" She asks. "Yeah. I'm fine. My water just broke." I say opening the door once I was changed. "Oh honey." She says gently hugging me. "Where's Aurél.... Owww." I say but stop mid sentence feeling a contraction. "It's okay honey. Breathe through it. That's a girl." My mother says putting pressure on my lower back to help me a bit. I breathe through it and hold onto her then relax stopping the tracker. "Better?" She asks looking at me. "Much." I say nodding and move my hair out of the way. "Good. Your husband is putting the dog in his cage and getting you food." She says smiling. "Food? I'm starving." I say laughing a bit.

"Good here is a popsicle for you." He says handing me a popsicle. "Really?" I whine pouting and take it eating. "Sorry love." He says kissing my nose gently. I go to say something but shut my mouth and grip my mothers shirt tightly feeling a contraction. "Breath. Don't hold your breath." She says rubbing my back gently and putting pressure on it. I breathe deeply through the pain and relax once it was over. "That was long one." My mother says looking at me. "Yeah." I say nodding and go back to sucking on my popsicle. "I'll go get the door. Aurélien honey come hold your wife." My mother says letting me go so my husband can take her place while she gets the door. "You doing good love?" He asks holding my waist. "So far. Pain is manageable right now even though my water broke about fifteen minutes ago. But I'm good." I say sucking on my popsicle and look up at him. "Your water broke? Why didn't you tell me?" He asks rubbing my hips gently. "I was going to tell you the second I got out of the bathroom but pain took over me and I was with my mom." I say looking at him. "Oh." He says holding me gently and rubs my side. I nod and suck my popsicle as my doctor walks in. "Hey Clara. How we doing?" My doctor asks. "Okay. In pain but not in the bad pain yet. My water broke about fifteen minutes ago and I've been timing my contractions." I say smiling softly and show her. "Okay. Those are good breaking points means things are going smoothly. I wanna check babies heart beat see how we are with that." She says smiling and sees the contractions timing. I nod and sit down on the bed slowly with help from my husband. My doctor smiles and checks baby's heart beat listening to see what it sounds like. I let her but wince feeling a contraction clench my fist. "Breathe love." He say rubbing my back and holding my hand. I breathe deeply and let the pain pass finally and relax. "Good job." My husband says rubbing my back and lets go of my hand. I just eat my popsicle and move my hair out of the way. "Baby's heart beat is perfect. Everything is going great. Contractions are coming at the perfect time." My doctor says gently rubbing my shoulder. "Yay." I say a bit tired and in pain. "I would say get some rest because you're going to need all your strength." She says looking at me. "Okay." I say finishing my popsicle. "Alright love let's get you in bed." My husband says. I nod and get comfortable laying down on my side and fall asleep feeling tired and just in pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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