0.2 - The Match and the Flames

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We had only been hiking for a good 15-20 minutes through the forest, but the atmosphere made me wish it lasted for a lot longer. 

The early morning wasn't the brightest or warmest, but that's what I love about fall. It's never too loud or hot or rambunctious. It's simply just calm. The brisk morning air provided a sort of extra wake-up call for my senses and allowed me to zero in on sounds around me. The soft crunch of damp leaves beneath our feet, the whispering of wind through the- 

"Hey Dad! Where are we goin'?" Ron shouted from a ways behind us. Arthur shook his head for a moment. "Haven't the foggiest. Keep up!" he continued looking ahead and simply walking, the rest of us trailing behind. 

Hermione walked with Ginny and I as well as the Twins, of course. Fred muttered something under his breath and then chuckled to himself. "What was that about?"  I asked, looking up at him with a raised brow. 
"I'm sure that's none of your business." He remarked smartly. 

My mouth hung open in mock surprise and offense and I stared at him for a moment before shrugging and continuing on. "Alright then, keep your secrets."  He shook his head with a grin. Ginny leaned in and whispered in my ear "He likes talking to himself a lot, if you didn't know." I laughed lightly, though I appreciated her attempt at being helpful. "I'm aware, but thank you Ginny." 

After a few extra minutes, a voice bellowed from across a clearing. "Arthur! It's about time, son!" 

"Sorry Amos, some of us had a sleepy start." Arthur responded somewhat crossly, glancing back at Harry and Ron. He then turned and motioned at the man previously referred to as Amos. "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me, at the Ministry." 

Just after he finished his introduction, a boy dropped from a tree branch somewhere above us. It startled me for a moment but I managed not to flinch too badly. He held out a hand to Mr. Weasley and shook it, to which he responded with "This strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?"  

The boy now known as Cedric nodded, "Yes sir." he smiled slightly. We began heading off again to the unknown destination. Just before they started again, I caught Hermione and Ginny exchange excited glances, and I honestly couldn't blame them. The way he smiled, even so slightly, gave me butterflies, if I had to admit. 

By the time the sun had made it above the drab clouds, we had arrived to a cliff face. I paused for a second, mesmerized by the sun on the ocean and the sound of waves crashing against the rocks below.  "Enjoying the view, Curls?" Fred spoke up from behind me, which made me jump a little.. again. 

"Mhm. This trip has already been pretty great, this view just makes it that much better." I spoke softly as the others ran ahead of us.   "Well, you can redirect your attention to yours truly, and maybe- just maybe, that'll change your mind, hm?"  I snorted and turned to look at him and he wiggled his eyebrows. "Freddie you dork, let's go." I shoved him and jogged to catch up with the others.   

"Well? Did it work?"  He called after me and began to jog as well. I simply shook my head and smiled to myself.


The Portkey was an experience of its own. 

We worked our way up the cliff a little bit more to this odd boot. Just- sitting there, all by itself. Harry seemed to speak what was on most of our minds almost instantly. "Why are we all standing around that manky old boot?" He remarked with some slight disgust. 

"That isn't just any manky old boot."  Fred started, "It's a Portkey." George finished, as per the usual.   "Well-.. What's a portkey?" Harry called as they kept moving, but gained no answer.

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