~ Prologue ~

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"Jass "

"I think of ending my life everyday. I want to vanish from the earth with every last memory of my existence because i feel like i should have never existed on this world ever. I wish to become the rain, wash over all my pain as i will disappear on the soil after that. But i am not on the position of being the rain either as rain is the purest element on the earth and iam only the cursed one. I feel myself as a curse, consider as a curse, exist like a curse.

Iam just a curse who should never exist. But then why someone come to my dream every night and whispers on my ears that

"You're not a curse mi amor! You're the best miracle to happen on this earth for me. You're my light, my splendor. Hang on there until i embrace you under the moonlight. Hang on, hang on... "

" Jungkook "

" I can't be defined as any term of  creatures ever here on human world. Because i don't belong to this world. Here some calls me demon, some calls me the king of darkness, some calls me the devil also. But what am i? Iam neither of them also, iam every single of them. Iam so ruthless, insanity runs through my soul, to my blood, flesh, bone, brain and heart. Iam the most powerful, most deadliest of any other Demons on the world. But iam also so helpless on worst way possible right now as my hands are tied up for thousands years because of the insane sins i have done on the past. Iam cursed with the magical barb wires around my wrists.

And iam looking for the one specific miracle that can help me to break my curse. It's my only ambition, it's my only goal and i will achieve it on no matter what. "


This is a story of,

"Jass Kim, a human with the power of seeing visions that comes true. Also the purest soul that can help to break any strong curse"

who meets 

" Jungkook Jeon, the most powerful Demon with psychotic nature, cursed and tied up for thousands years, which curse he is trying to break "

(( Warning : This story will contain dark and mature scenes with the mention of weak and bad mental health, suicide and all. So if you guys are not comfortable with that, i suggest you to take a leave before starting the story.

But if you're into dark fantasy romance fiction, welcome here. I promise you guys are gonna love how tragically beautiful this story is going to be.

And as always, there are toe curling unhygenic smut scenes.))


Note :

Before you start reading,

If you're new here and didn't know that i published this story with a part at past and then unpublished it, then i would like you to know this, this story will be a short story with 5/6 parts.

Now, To those who have read this storys part one before i unpublished it, you guys know i told previously that this story would need huge time and good care and as i didn't have that time back then so i unpublished it.

And to be honest after i unpublished it, i couldn't concentrate on this plot and was lost to find a way about how to finish this story even. I mean i knew the plot but i couldn't find the way to give the plot a life. As a result, i was having a writing block regarding this story.

But as always, my biggest muse, my one and only source of inner storm, Jeon Jungkook himself has guide me once again to find my way connected to this storys world. His whole " standing next you " "MV" and song concept has given me the guideline. Unbelievable nah?

But that's the truth! When i was watching standing next to you, i felt like the concept exactly blends so well with my this story and now i can't help but coming back with this one.

Well well, i know i have already another story going on and iam way too busy with my personal life. So it's probably a bad decision to even publish this story again. I just have one part completed for this story and i have to write the another parts with a calm mind which is not possible throughout the whole November.

But as i always tell, iam cracked from my head and crazy enough to take steps that will be pain in my ass, so iam on my way to publish this story again.

Now for all the readers who are going to read this shit, to you all, iam declaring at advanced that, each part of this story will take unnecessarily long time to be published. So don't sue my ass for this. Bear with me and don't ask for next part more frequently. Sorry guys 🛌.

And even if it flops due to messy updates, i have determined my mind that i won't unpublish it again. I will take as much as tiny i need but still will complete it. Even if it take months to years to complete this short story. Still i won't unpublish.

Thanks yall for reading my nonsenses. Love yall.

"  Devil Jeon Jung Kook is always standing next to you. "

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