♦️Théo's not okay♦️

525 21 20

Gridmum: Hello my dear kids, who's crying??

Super Max: I think is Théo, I heard him talking with someone on the phone and the other person was shouting so i guess is him

Nano: what did you hear??

Super Max: his dad I think, but they were talking in french so I didn't understand anything

Tripod: Kiddo care to explain??

Kiddo: please leave me alone, thank you

Estie: speak you fucking kid!!

Kiddo: it's nothing!! And stop pretending you care about my life like everyone does!!

Kiddo is now offline

Gridmum: there is something serious with him and his dad

Honey Badger: like Max?

Super Max: I think worse. You know he can't come anywhere near me anymore

Honey Badger: yeah thanks to Christian

Super Max: exactly

Aussieman: who in here is a good friend of Théo??

Eagle: I am, and I kinda know what is going on but I can't tell y'all

Stupid: oh come on!!


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