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Avengers have logged on.

Clint: Whyyyy

Sam: IT's so cold...

Natasha: grow up you two. It's not that cold.

Thor: I've been in worse. Jutonhiem is the coldest place on earth.

Steve: Um Thor, you mean Galaxy?

Thor: Yes. Thank you Captain.

Tony: Polar Bear. Outside Window. See's me. OMG. It's going to eat the window.

Clint: OMG, he's right, POLARBEAR!!!

Bucky: Nopenopenope

Sam: If you were as smart as me, you'd say run.

Sam has logged off.

Tony: He ran outside. :\

Natasha: so?

Bruce: That's where the Polar Bear is.

Fury: Idiots. I live with them, I work with them, and I rule them. In my head of course.

Tony: Okay Loki calm your self.

Loki: Heey...

Natasha: Lol you still use this Loki?

Loki has logged off.


Clint: The polar bear ate his laptop.

Fury: Well then.

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