Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Knelt on the tarmac, Carlos was trying to ram a box of Cinnamon Crunch cereal into his pack before the CO arrived, "What did your mum say?" Carlos asked as he caved in the corners, hoping it would slide in easier.

Jules just watched in humour, they had reached the hangar before anybody else, "The usual. She wanted to know why I hadn't called her in over a year and then told me about my cousin's wedding they were going to."

"Oh, I love weddings," Carlos lifted his head with a boyish grin, "All those little flavour boxes and the cake. Do you have a plus one?"

"Calm down," Jules sighed, "I won't be going."

Carlos looked a little hurt.

"It'd be a bit hard to attend seeing as I'll be over the other side of the world," Jules explained as a van started to arrive with their new company from the base, "Besides, I hate my cousins."

"Shit," Carlos whispered under his breath as the CO was nearly upon them and he was still trying to sneak the cereal aboard the plane.

Carlos resorted to opening the box and removing the plastic bag which contained the Cinnamon Crunch inside and slipping it down the middle.

Carlos looked over his shoulder as the van pulled up, a small jeep following with their Commander inside.

"Here," Carlos panicked and handed her the empty box, "Can you put this in your bag?"

Jules arched an eyebrow, "You're willing to allow your friend get in trouble for this as well?"

Carlos looked between her and the box, "Yes! Now put it away."

Snatching the box out of his hand, Jules turned her back on the van, as people began to disembark, to untie the top of her pack, which had been leaning against the back of her legs.

Breaking the box down, Jules bent at the waist to stuff the evidence into the bottom of her pack when she heard a chorus of laddish cheers erupt behind her.

Jules paused, still bent at the waist, and looked past her leg to see a small gathering of male soldiers begin to approach her.

"Hey lads!" One shouted.

Carlos remained still and watched.

Jules turned back to finish packing her bag and secured the tie.

"If I had known there would be booty like this in the Navy I would have joined earlier!"

Jules raised an eyebrow as she slowly straightened up and turned to look at the men behind her, their laughter growing silent as she stared at them.

There were four of them. Jules recognised the man with reddish-brown hair in the back, the corner of his eye twitching, the two soldiers beside him were sharing in a handshake as they laughed, complimenting their friend on his verbal dexterity.

It was him that Jules focused on. He was a few inches taller until her eyes were level with his nose but height did not intimidate her.

His eyes, scrunched in the corner from where he was smiling, were a warm brown that contrasted nicely with the soft tan that played on his skin.

His hair, a few shades lighter than the colour of his eyes was cut short but the tips still seemed to sway in the soft breeze that cut through the hangar.

He was handsome and he knew it. It only made Jules more determined.

Jules smiled at him, feeling the man in the corner release a small breath. He thought she was forgiving him.

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