2 「T A K E - I T」 8

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point of view

𝐅𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍, Catherine watched as Jacob leaned back away from their kiss, leaving her sitting there panting with her cheeks a bright red and her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

The Bunny girl just watched him smirk down at her with his fingers still gently moving inside of her, neither of them doing anything until Jacob's fingers began to move a little faster inside of her.

Causing her eyes to jump into the back of her head as she was already sensitive after the last orgasm, although the sensitivity quickly faded as her hips uttered into his thrusts.

"Jake wait," She whined as she once again grabbed a hold of Jacob's forearm, she just wanted to take a small pause before they started up again. "I just came."

"I know," Jacob said with a sadistic smirk on his face, still curling his fingers up inside the girl despite the tight grip she had on his arm. "and you'll do it again."

Shaking her head profusely, Catherine just about refused to cum again in the bathroom of the movie theater, they had to get back to Bella and Mike soon.

"Come on, bunny, I know you want to." Jacob spoke teasingly as he moved his thumb to press down on her clit, causing the girl's body to shudder once again.

"Mmmm mmmm." Catherine hummed whilst shaking her head, although she didn't think she could hold back another orgasm, nor did she want to.

"We'll see about that." Jacob noted vaguely causing Catherine's eyebrows to furrow once again as she looked up at him with wide innocent doe-eyes.

However, her eyes grew even more confused as Jacob took another step back, quick to pull his girl off of the sink causing her to let out another squeal.

At least that was before Jacob quickly turned her around towards the mirror by her hips, allowing the girl to see both him and herself as he pressed himself against her backside.

Catherine only let out a small whine as she felt his bulge press against her ass, whilst his hand came up around her to grip at her neck.

"Remember when you were cooking everyone lunch at my house a while back?" Jacob asked as he realized why their position looks so familiar to him, it wasn't the first time he'd had her like this in front of him.

"Yeah?" Catherine asked with a small nod of her head as her cheeks grew even redder, although that only made the girl more delicious to Jake.

He couldn't help but love when his girl blushed, just seeing that bright red tint on her cheeks left his blood racing as vulgar thoughts washed over his mind.

"I'd only touched you for a few seconds and yet you turned into a Bunny in heat," Jacob continued to tease the girl as his head dipped to her neck, whilst his hands groped her body. "just desperate for me, huh?"

As he spoke one of Jacob's hands latched onto Catherine's throat as the two made eye contact in the mirror, his other hand coming to play with the band of her tracksuit pants.

"I know your still desperate Bunny." Staring at her dead in the eye Jacob waited for the girl to speak, he knew she wanted him to touch her like this.

From all the times they'd slept together, made love, or just fucked Jacob knew that his girl had a thing for being pushed around, he could feel every clench she gave when he was rough with her.

And as Jake thought this he was quickly proved correctly, as one of Catherine's hands found its way behind her rubbing and intentionally groping Jacob's impressive bulge.

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