Chapter 16

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*leons pov*

Me and Violetta are laying in her bed like for hours. She doesn't talk with me. But weird enough i don't mind about it. She has soft hands. And it fit mine perfectly. I have the feeling like i am jealous on my brother. Why does they ship him with her? It just can't be. Her father will kill her. Simon never has been in love with a girl. So why should he be now in love with one? I was once in love. Her name is Ludmilla. But our feelings were just gone.*


*the door opens. It is my mother. Fast i moved away from Violetta. And i realise again that she still is in pyjama*


Angie:Eh. Dinner is ready


Angie:Yeah. Do you guys ehm.. come?

Vio:Eh yeah


Angie:Yesseh.. i see you..


*she left the room. And i stare at violetta*

Vio:Does she think that..

Leon:Nah.. i don't think so

Vio:Ah. Ofcource not..i mean.. I hate you

Leon:But I hate you more

Vio:Well my cat. Our dinner is ready

Leon:Hm.. okay. Than i will call you Vilu


Leon:Yeah. Vilu


*she laughs and left the room. I follow her to the table. Everyone was there waiting for us*


Simon:Violetta can you give me the ham?

Vio:You have two hands. Take it by yourself

*i stare with open mouth to what she just told my brother*


Vio:Oh you haven't tell them?

Simon:Violetta.. i can't

German:What haven't you tell us?

Angela:Violetta Castillo?

Vio:Yes that is my name

Angela:Can you follow me? We have to talk about something

*she left the table. I laugh inmyself. She just dissed my brother. And better. With my words "Yes that is my name"

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