'dating' (prologue)

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10.... Hirano catches a glimpse of Kagiura's sparkling eyes as he strokes his fingers through his hair.


8... Kagiura gently holds onto Hirano's hand.


6.... Hirano rests his forehead onto Kagiura's, feeling the warmth inside his heart.


4... Kagiura gently closes his eyes, while imagining Hirano's mesmerizing blue earrings in his mind.


2... Hirano tightens his grip onto Kagiuras hand, while running the tip of his fingers through the palm of Kagiura's hand.


-Sigh- "And.. that's 10 seconds." Hirano gently let go of Kagiura's hand and softly patted him in the head. "Oi.. don't look so disappointed."

Kagiura looked up to Hirano. "Mmmm.. 10 more seconds please..?"

Hirano turns his head away from Kagiura, hiding the bright shade of pink reflecting onto his cheeks. "Guh.. fine."


"What..? You want 30 more seconds instead..?"

Kagiura stares into Hirano, shocked. "Mmm.. it's not that.. it's just I expected you to at least hesitate a little before accepting so quick, that's all." He held onto Hirano's cheeks and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Haha! Okay then, 10 more seconds it is." He held onto Kagiuras cheeks as he held onto his, and kissed him on the cheek, they were both flustered, and both happy.

Days like this were just considered normal now, each day Hirano and Kagiura both showed their love for each other, by physical touch. Hirano would show his love by letting Kagiura touch him whenever their alone without insisting, and Kagiura would show his by always asking for consent, just within a few months they went from holding hands to even kissing each other on the cheeks sometimes, but even so... they still weren't dating yet.



"Ah, it's pretty late now, guess we got to distracting from touching." He let out a small giggle.

"Awee, it would be nice if time was slower, so we could touch for longer."

They both settled into bed, but just when Hirano was about to close his eyes he felt something slide through the strands of his blonde hair.

"Eh? Kagi-kun?"

Just when he looked beside him, he suddenly saw a tall figure next to his bedside.

"Hirano-san.. do you like me?"

"What sort of question is that? Of course I do."

"No.. I don't mean it in that way. I mean as someone you would want to date.."

"..Well I.."

"Actually.. never mind! I'll go back to bed, sorry for disturbing you.."

Just as Kagiura was about to head off Hirano tightly held onto his hand.

"Wait. I know there's something else you want to say.. right? What is it?"

"If.. I ask.. you will promise to answer truthfully.. okay?"

"Yeah.. promise."

He turned his head round to Hirano, he had a serious yet determined look in his eyes.

'Hirano-san.. should we try out.. dating?'


Kagiura held both of Hirano's hands and asked again.

"Lately.. I noticed that we both been well.. closer than ever. And I know that you at least feel some type of attraction to me.. recently you've been showing more affection towards me.. and you never even hesitated to touching for more than 10 seconds! We even reached the point to even kissing sometimes.. like lovers do.. So I want to know. Do you want to try it out.. for real?"

Hirano looked down towards Kagiura's hand, tightening his grip. He accepts but yet he still has a somewhat disappointed expression on his face.


"I want you to be truthful Hirano! I don't want you to date me just because I asked! I know you already rejected me in the past.. but I feel like this is a better opportunity to try it out.. and I don't our relationship to be something you will regret!"

He suddenly felt some sort of anxiety. he didn't want Hirano to accept just because he asked, Kagiura thought about this for a long time now.. even more than he first confessed. If him and Hirano started to date.. for real, he didn't want to gain any memories he could regret with him... 

'Maybe.. I just shouldn't have asked.' Kagiura quietly thought to himself.

Hirano forced a smile onto his face. "Kagiura.. I mean it. I'm still trying to explore 'love' and things, but I do want to try date you.. since.. the whole touching thing is basically practice to see if I could see you as my boyfriend.. right? I admire you quite a lot, so let's try it out."

A massive smile grew onto Kagiuras face, Hirano could imagine Kagiura as a dog with a waggling tail, he giggled a little as he looked at his sparkling eyes.

"Hirano-san.. thank you. I promise that I be the best boyfriend you could ever wish for!"

"Haha! Me too... Let's both go to sleep now.. it's getting really late"

Hirano leaned closer to Kagiura and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight, Kagi-kun."

"Goodnight, Hirano-san!"

As Kagiura walked back to his bed and tucked into his bedsheets, he couldn't help but still feel slightly uneasy. He knew Hirano was telling the truth about 'admiring him' but he felt like there was a little lie hiding behind his smile... Another thing he realized was that not once Hirano had ever said the words 'I love you.' , he had just straight up accepted the offer of being his boyfriend.

Kagiura just hoped that this relationship won't make them grow distant apart if something ends up not working out and they had to break up, and that their relationship wont just become a memory, but something while will last for a long time,

-because after all, this relationship won't be short-term, or at least Kagiura thinks..

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