'last' date

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'Lately.. I've been feeling more comfortable around Kagi-kun.' Hirano thought.

A week has already past, so far.. this was only their 2nd date since Hirano and Kagiura started going out together.. even though things were messed up in the beginning, Hirano had started to accept his feelings towards Kagiura. 'There is no point in hesitating anymore. I need to do all things I wanted to do, and say everything I needed to. I've made him worry constantly the past week.. I need to apologize this time.' Hirano thought.

"Hirano-san! Are you ready yet?"

"I am! Coming~"

Hirano rushed towards Kagiura and ruffled his hair, for the first time in ages, he realized that Kagiura was his, they are boyfriends after all. A huge grin grew on Hirano's face as he grabbed onto both of Kagiura's hand. Hirano seemed.. more energetic than he was the past few days.

"Well? Are we going now?

"Oh.. uhm yes!"

'When was the last time Hirano-san held my hand..? A while..' A warm.. fuzzy.. feeling took over Kagiura's heart, but even then.. he still wasn't going to back off on his original idea. 'There's.. no point in feeling this way. I promised myself I would end it all today.. but I'm starting to feeling a little nervous.'


"You know.. going on a walk on a late afternoon wasn't a bad idea after all. Watching the sunset together on the hills and looking at the sky seem pretty relaxing, don't you think, Kagi-kun?" Hirano ran in front and turned towards Kagiura and pointed to the clouds.

"See! A distrail in the sky! Not something you would see often, hm?"

'Now I think about it.. maybe the moments me and Hirano-san spend together.. are truly something I should cherish more. I.. really enjoy being with him.' Kagiura was thinking to himself.

"Huh? Oh yea.. a distrail."

'Whoops, wasn't focusing.' It took a few seconds for Kagiura to respond to what Hirano was saying.

"You know.. last night I was also looking at the stars while you were asleep. It would've been nice if we could go stargazing together sometime..  the stars would look more beautiful if you look at them with somebody you enjoy being with." Hirano looked at Kagiura, responding with a smile.

'Hirano-san.. he's planning to be with me even in the future.. he's thinking of me..He wants to spend time with me.. he sees us still being together in the future.'

"Kagi-kun?" Hirano waved his hand around Kagiura's face, while he looks up to thin air, zoning out once again.

'Should.. I really end things with him? I'm so stupid for thinking of such things..  we are clearly so happy with each other.  Why did I even think of breaking up with him..'

"A-ah! Sorry."

"Mm, you always seem to zone out a lot lately. Are you bored?"

"What? No, no! To be honest it's more of the opposite.. you seem to zone out a lot too."

"Well.. it's just that.. I'm just trying to think of what I could do with you.. since when we started dating I found that I hesitated to do a lot of things.. but now, I think that there's a lot I want to do, only with you Kagi-kun. So.. we could both enjoy being with each other even in the future, I guess?"

"H-huh!? That's ador-"

"Crap. I shouldn't have said anything."  Hirano covered his flustered face with his sleeve, and started to lean towards the other side to prevent Kagiura from looking at his so-called 'embarrassing-self'. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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