Percy's Death

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A/N I love all of the heroes of Olympus and I would Like to see them happy together but for the purpose of the story all demigods have betrayed Percy as well as most of the gods

Neptune's P.O.V.

I stared down at the body of my only mortal son with tears in my eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off of his bloody body, a hellhound had torn through his skin causing him to lose to much blood. I will never see my little boy ever again and it was all those stupid demigods fault. I could not bear it any more as I felt my heart being ripped from my chest, but I could not cry out in pain.

I finally looked away and went to the throne room on Olympus and sat down waiting for the others to return. When they came in I noticed that they all were looking guilty about what had happened to my son. I then realized that they probably had a hand in what had happened with Percy. I frowned at each and everyone of them. Jupiter and Pluto were the only ones who looked pissed off about the death of a hero. They never really hated my son for being born, for after he returned their symbols of power they had begun respecting him.

'I swear on the river Styx I will avenge your death my son.' Was the one thought that I had and I knew that both my brothers thought the same thing.

I knew that I had sealed my fate with that thought but I couldn't make myself care about it at the moment. I needed to grieve the loss of my child and a period of time to plan their punishment. My brothers probably have a plan already and will probably want me to help them with it.

I knew my brothers loved me more than anything and wanted what was best for me, and I cherished their love for me. I could tell that Jupiter's heart was already turning to stone and my son's death started the process. I would probably have a stone heart if the one hero I respected had died and I could do nothing about it. Soon hurricanes were striking every continent, destroying everything in their paths and I was not going to stop it what so ever.

I knew the mortals thought that it was the end of the world but I did not stop the sea storms. I heard the council begging me to stop the destruction in the world below but I was not hearing any of the words that came from the traitor's in the room. Finally Pluto came over and placed a hand on my shoulder I stopped all the storms and looked at him and saw tears slowly flowing down his face. I flashed the both of us out of the throne room and to the underworld. Soon Jupiter joined us and we just curled up together on a couch in Pluto's room and watched all of my son's memories from the time of his birth all the way to his death.

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