Written in the stars

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Barcelona was the destination hot spot for tourists looking to rest on sandy beaches and go sightseeing. That is if a contract for work didn't bind you. Daydreaming was a luxury (Y/n) didn't have, the Grand Prix final was one of the many hurdles for aspiring legends to go big. A good score could make or break a young skater's career. "You know worrying like that makes wrinkles come faster" Your mother warned. "I know but I'll be alone for the next three months! I won't know anybody and there's a lot of pressure to be perfect!" She complained. "Not perfect extraordinary my dove. And if things go as planned then you'll have Orion here with you, he just missed the flight." She nodded while grabbing her suitcase from the carousel of luggage. "While you're away I expect you to keep up with your studies. The moment your grades slip it's curtains for this trip." She dragged her thumb along her neck with a laugh. As much as (Y/n) knew she was joking, she was right. The essays and assignments were calling her name.

"When I get to the suite I promise I'll do my work." That was a lie of course but what her mother didn't know wouldn't hurt her. (Y/n)'s mother reached for her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. "You're going to do great." A head pat and forehead kiss and she was on her way. Being the first in the car Offred a little comfort. She took off her mask for fresh air and her hat. Sometimes she would instead get mobbed by the few fans she had then were the suffocating disguise. She fanned herself with the hat allowing herself to relax and close her eyes. She had settled so much that she had arrived at the hotel by the time she had opened her eyes. "Don't poke her just wake the damn girl already!" Snarled a blonde and slammed the door.

"That would be mean." Viktor laughed with a fake pout. "Ah, you're finally awake. Yuri wanted to leave you in here." Her eyes went wide as she shrunk into her seat. "I don't know if I should be embarrassed or amazed that Viktor Niforov is waking me up from a nap." She laughed nervously quickly opening the door and grabbing her bags. "Sorry for the inconvenience but the elevator is out of order bullshit!" Yuri yelled standing impatiently with his bag. "The stairs" you called and pointed. "It would make for good cardio." Now was the time to force an outgoing personality. Being isolated would do a number on her making friends quickly before the social circles grew too tight-knit was a must.

"What floor are we on?" All of the skaters would share one floor that acted as a suite with two to a room. "The 12th floor." At that moment the 3 bags that (Y/n) insisted on packing would be her death. All five stages of grief swam across her face from a scrunched nose to a loud groan as she began her trip up the steps.

A/N The next chapter will be longer and Yuri will appear more as the story goes on. I have everything planned out in my head for how I want this story to be told. Constructive criticism is appreciated and drop any ideas that you may want to be written in the story in the comments also I apologize here I do plan to make (Y/n) very feminine and if that's not for you sorry for the convince. Have a good day or night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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