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He hummed,entering the bakery.There he spotted Daki with a worried look, he got confused and headed towards her

"What's wrong,Daki?" He looked at her expression,it looked like she was trying to not let tears spill out of her eyes

"T-the boss...h-he" she didn't even get to finish,hugging Akaza and started sobbing her heart out.Akaza patted her head and rubbed her back,then he realized what she meant

Their boss just harrased Daki like he did to Akaza,they couldn't stay here anymore

"Daki,do you wanna leave this place?"

After hearing that sentence,Daki nodded her head rapidly while rubbing away the years from the bottom of her eyes

"Stay here,I'm going to his office" Akaza smiled,and walked away.He saw the door that belonged to that monster,he opened it and entered before closing it

He saw their boss sitting in his chair with a grin after seeing Akaza's arrival

"What brings you here? Oh? Do you want some more?"

Akaza looked at him with despise and disgust,this guy should go to jail, not for just harrasing, but for also existing

"No...i came here to tell you that me and Daki are leaving this job"

Upon hearing that,the sitting man stood up and slammed both his hands on the wooden desk,making the other flinch from the sudden move

"What makes you think that I'll let you go that easily?" He threatened,thinking about all the things he could do to the pinkette

"The police" Akaza lied,sweating hard


"Not yet,but if you don't let us go I will call them immediately" Akaza smirked,looking at the panicking expression the pervert had plastered on his face

"Tsk...fine, I'll let you go.Just don't call the police!"

"Don't worry" he stopped and turned around,opening the door and left,before he closed the door, he mumbled "I will" he slammed the door shut and saw Enmu and Daki looking at him with a smile

"Did you do it,Daki?" Akaza questioned,looking at Daki's large grin

"Yes! That stupid pervert is finally gonna go to jail!" She happily clapped and walked outside with both her co-workers/friends

"Do you guys wanna celebrate? I just got my money from my sugar D- i-i mean Kokushibo"

Both of the his co-workers looked at him with a smirk

"So Kokushibo is your Sugar Daddy? Wow Akaza"

"No! You got it all wrong..."

"Then explain"

"I got money from Kokushibo, and I didn't meant to say that,it just slipped"

"Alrighty" Daki raised her eyebrows and looked at Akaza's embarrassed face

"Let's just get icecream" Enmu requested,the other two agreed and they headed towards the mall to get some icecream,maybe go on a shopping spree too


"Guys! Guys! I want the chocolate one with sprinkles,how about you Enmu, and Akaza?"

"I'll get the vanilla one"

"I'll get the strawberry"

"Alright! Akaza, give me the money"

"Here" Akaza handed enough money to buy the three icecreams,Daki gave it to the cashier and got their icecreams.They happily walked out of the icecream store and was about to go to the second floor when somebody interrupted them

"Akaza?" A deep voice said,and Akaza knew who it was

He turned around saw Kokushibo standing there

"H-hey! What's up?"

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"Oh about that..." He turned to his friends and returned back to Kokushibo "we left"

"What? Why?"

"Akaza,we'll go on the second floor at the arcade, we'll see you there" Enmu mentioned and walked inside the elevator, along with Daki who was beside him

"Why did you left the job? Don't you need money?"

"Well...he did something to Daki and we called the police about it,we left by ourselves and we...okay that's enough"

"What did he do to Daki?" He questioned,even more curious

"Well I think it would be best if I didnt-"

"AHHH!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!! IT'S DOUMA!!"

The fangirls screeched,both of them looked at where it came from and Akaza saw Douma walking towards him but doesn't see him,surprised he's walking alone and doesn't have any bodyguards around him.Oh wait, where's Kotoha?

"Akaza,wasn't he at your workplace the day before yesterday?" Veins popped out his forehead after realising what that meant

"Yeah,why are you asking?" Akaza turned back around to Kokushibo with a confused look

"It's nothing...oh look he's walking towards...you.." He gritted his teeth upon seeing his arrival

"Akaza! What are you doing here?"

Oh for fucks sake! Why did he come at such a bad timing?

"Akaza? Akaza? Ak-"

"I can hear you! Go back to your fangirls or whatever you're doing" Akaza walked away,dragging Kokushibo by the wrist

Douma was looking at them with a glare,mostly on Kokushibo,he can't glare at his Akaza, never.But that Kokushibo person is really making his blood boil,he could've hang out with Akaza but that Kokushibo had to ruin his opportunity

Yes, Akaza may be younger than him but he wasnt a minor anymore,which means he had a chanc-


Oop, they're back

"Of course" he grinned,bending down and the girl clicked the shutter button.After doing that he waved goodbye and started following the two

908 words

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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𝗦𝘂𝗴𝗮𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝗱𝗱𝘆 - Douma x AkazaWhere stories live. Discover now