2 「F A M I L Y - B A T H R O O M S」 7

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point of view

𝐒𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐁, Catherine's legs moved as fast as they could without her breaking out into a full-blown sprint.

The girl let out a small squeal as she followed after him, although Jacob didn't seem to notice as he continued to walk briskly away from Bella and Mike.

"Jake," Catherine let out a small squeal of her boyfriend's name, as she tightly held onto his upper arm trying to keep up with him. "Jake slow down."

As if not hearing her words, Jacob continued to march on until the two of them finally made it to the large family bathroom of the movie theater.

The young boy quickly gently shove Catherine into the bathroom, turning to lock the door behind him, before turning back to his girl as he began breathing heavily.

Something Catherine noted as her eyebrows furrowed with concern blatantly written on her face whilst she took a few steps to stand in front of him.

"Jake, what's wrong," She asked calmly and confused as she looked up at her boyfriend, raising her hands to gently caress his face. "are you okay?"

Although the girl's eyebrows furrowed more as she felt how hot to the touch he was, her eyes glancing at both of his cheeks that stung at her cold hands.

However, her hands didn't lay there for long before Jacob grasped them, quickly pushing them off of his face as he stared down into his girlfriend's eyes.

Catherine quickly searched his for any sign of what was wrong with him, but she could only note how dark his eyes were and how low they had become.

At least that was until his hand made contact with her hips, the boy quickly lifting her causing her to let out a loud shocked squeal before he moved her over towards and sat her on the sink

"Jack, what-what are you doing?" Catherine asked confused as she allowed him to sit her on the sink, although her question was quickly answered as he buried his face into her neck.

The man panting angrily as he laid his head into the crook of her neck, his hands gripping and clenching at the side of her hip and waist, causing Catherine to quickly raise her hands around his neck.

"That pale dick offered you his jacket," He growled through clenched teeth into the girl's neck, the words causing his grip to become harsher and his shoulder to shake more. "fucking piece of shit."

Unbeknownst to either of them, Jacob was just teetering on the edge of phasing for the first time, causing Catherine to let out a sigh as she figured her younger boyfriend was only jealous of Bella's new friend treating her so kindly.

"He was only being sweet," Catherine spoke through a pant as her arms tightened around Jacob's neck, pulling the boy closer just loving being in his arms. "he's Bella's friend after all."

"Sweet," Jacob asked the girl his movements pausing for a moment, as he leaned back to look Catherine in her face. "oh so you want him more than me huh?"

Hearing his question the amused smile on Catherine's face quickly dropped, she hadn't thought the boy was this jealous and protective, but from how he first asked her out she should have known.

The girl quickly going to shake her head as she looked at him, although before she could protest against his words, Jacob's hand sneakily found its way into her pants and underwear.

"You want his attention, huh bunny slut," Jacob asked throwing clenched teeth as he quickly pushed his fingers into Catherine's cunt, causing a loud gasp to leave the girl. "you want his hands to be all over you instead of mine?"

"No," She squealed as she felt his fingers curling up inside of her, the bunny subconsciously grabbing hold of Jacob's forearm whilst her head fell back against the mirror. "want yours, only yours."

Chuckling deeply, Jacob couldn't help but smile as he watched the different expressions of pleasure running over his girl's face.

At least that was until his eyes caught sight of the girl's throat, the boy unable to stop himself from biting his lip as he watched her let out another moan.

"Want me to show you how much better I am than him," Jacob asked as he leaned forwards, licking a long swipe up the girl's neck causing her to shiver and tremble. "want me to fill you up, leave so many marks on your neck that he'll know your mine?"

"Jacob, I'm about to" Was all Catherine could say as she felt the pressure build up inside her, his words furthering her push towards her high.

She could barely hear him over the blood rushing to her head, his words were overwhelming her so much, that along with his fingers being so deep inside her, and stretching her out.

"I know," Jacob nodded his head with a false pout on her face before he chuckled and gently bit into the girl's neck. "come for me Bunny, we aren't leaving until I can get you to do it at least 2 more times."

With that Jacob started moving both his fingers and hands faster, whilst opening and licking from the girl's chest to the bottom of her ear, listening as she released many squeals and squeaks.

Her grip on Jacob's forearm tightened as her orgasm got closer and closer, his fingers curling up inside of her as her moans grew louder until they finally hit her.

"Jake, cumming!" Catherine squealed loudly as she threw her head back against the mirror, her legs shaking harshly as Jacob's fingers worked her threw her orgasm.

Watching her face as she came on his fingers, Jacob couldn't help but smirk as he continued working his fingers inside of her, waiting and watching as she shivered and shook.

At least that was until he lurched forwards, catching her lips with his own and pulling her in for a deep kiss after she'd come, the boy even quick to stick his tongue into her mouth.

Sucking on his little bunny's tongue, listening as she whimpered with her tongue sticking out, the girl just sat back and took everything her man was giving her...until he pulled back.

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