chapter 3

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2 days later Satan has been walking around this unknown place for awhile and hasn't run into anyone or seen a way to get out. But he was interested the place looked interesting and with how complex it was.

He had to be in his demon form to get around more easily. And eventually after days of running around he came across an open room and suddenly saw someone for the first time just sitting on the floor crisscross and clapping his hands and said smiling.

Doma : you win! You didn't find the exit but you found someone!"

Satan : who are you?"

Doma : call me Doma and you?"

Satan : Satan..... what is this place?"

Doma : it has many names and not easy to just stumble upon but you did how?"

Satan : I don't know? But how the hell do I get out?"

Doma : I could show you but it's been so long since I had someone to talk to"

Satan : I -you have been watching me this whole time?"

Doma : yes? I wanted to see if you would be able to get out or find one of us"

Satan : what are you?"

Doma : a demon just like you are but you seem different than the rest of us?"

Satan : because I'm not from here. It's a long story that you seem interested in hearing?"

Doma : maybe I can if you. Let's have a chat."

Satan : ....whatever"

Satan walked over and sat down not really having much else to do and this Doma could probably be useful to him.

A few hours later they were still talking to each other and after Satan told his whole story.

Doma started talking about where they were who they were and giving him the whole rundown of everything he needed to know. And during this Akaza showed up and yelled seeing Satan.

Akaza : who is this!?"

Doma : this is my new friend Satan! He stumbled around here two days ago and finally found one of us"

Akaza : you knew an intruder was in here and did nothing!?"

Doma : he's a demon? Plus I think he's friendly? Anyway he's cool he's been showing me things on this little box called a smartphone! It's crazy!

Satan can I show him the picture?"

Satan : here go ahead"

Satan then gave him his phone and Doma got up and said walking over to Akaza.

Doma : look this is his brother. Doesn't he look exactly like you know who?"

Akaza : i-

Akaza looked at the picture and despite being mad at the situation he was surprised at how much this other demon resembled Muzan.

Akaza : strange but not the point! If he finds out who you think is going to get in trouble!?"

Doma : you?"

Akaza : y-!?

Suddenly Muzan showed up and Satan stood up and said.

Satan : so you're the big bad Muzan? I expected more"

Doma : ooh he's bold"

Muzan : who do you think you are!"

Satan : Satan?"

Doma : he says he could beat you in a fight"

Satan : not exactly what I said but close enough"

Muzan : both of you take care of th-

Satan : really? Can't take me yourself? How pathetic. And your suppose to be the Lord of demons or something like that?"

Muzan was immediately annoyed by this new demon. But could tell they were very different.

He seemed very bold and cocky unfazed unfeared by him. Or maybe just stupid.

Muzan : if that is what it takes to get rid of a pest like you so be it"

Doma : yay a show!"

Akaza : I see this being over rather quickly"

Few minutes later Doma and Akaza were starring at Satan in horror and amazement that he managed to survive a fight with Muzan.

And even though he was a little hurt still continued to mock him and piss him off more.

Satan : you see you may have some fancy little things going on but one of my goals in life is too annoy the one who gave me life.

And that involves learning and adapting to all kinds of things that he has attempted to kill me with and or things I've done that backfired on me.

And I have a few of my own special tricks as well."

Muzan : are not going anywhere!. Do not let him out of your sight!"

After this Muzan left and Doma said walking over.

Doma : I did that thing you showed me and recorded it on the smartphone!"

Satan : cool"

Akaza : what was that!?"

Satan : pure luck I should be dead right now"

Doma : since you don't know how to leave and he won't allow you to. I should give you a tour"

Akaza : don't befriend this thing!"

Doma : you know the saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer"

Satan : so what is he doing?"

Akaza : there's probably a reason he let you live so be grateful for that"

Satan : no"

obey me x demon slayer crossover Where stories live. Discover now