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"You're a redneck heartbreak who's really bad at lying."

There was absolutely no way this place was a theatre. It looked like, if anything, a stable. At least from the outside. 

But when Jisoo voiced her concerns to Taehyung, he simply told her to 'not judge a book by its cover'. It was annoying really, him. He was constantly using these weird idioms and proverbs. He sounded like that kid in class who reminds the teacher about the homework and then gets beaten up after class ends. 

"This is the oldest movie theater in this place. I used to come here every Friday after school hours were over." Taehyung gazed upon the run-down theater, a glint of nostalgia and warmth sparkling in his almond eyes. "Alone?" Jisoo inquired. 

The man simply nodded. "I'll get the tickets." 

Heaving out a sigh, Jisoo makes herself comfortable on a bench which was probably last cleaned during the russian revolution. (According to her newly found acquaintance, it was probably around then) 

He was an art major. This, Kim Taehyung. Jisoo always liked art, she really wanted to be a painter when she was younger. But that was before a Ms. Park had crushed the dreams of the seven-year-old with a simple, "Honey, you can't even color inside the lines." (the comment was paired with an infuriatingly 'cute' giggle) Jisoo wondered whether 'malicious and insensitive' was one the of the requirements of an art teacher during the interview process. 

Shaking her head, the girl brushed away her thoughts and opened her tote bag, gifted to her by he-who-must-not-be-named. She pulled out a small box of strawberry milk. 

There are many instances in life where having your eyeballs scooped out one by one, getting swallowed by the ground or simply getting a visit from the good 'ol reaper would prove to be amazing fate. This was one of those moments. 

"Fuck. My. Life." 


"Why is he holding her waist? It's so slim too- Oh My God! They're drinking strawberry milk together... He even let her take a sip from his box. Why is he smiling so hard? Does he think he's in a toothpaste commercial?"  She watched the couple intently, crouching behind a garbage can. 

'Wait... HE LET HER DRINK FROM HIS BOX?"  Replied Jennie in a fit of rage. 

"Yes... I hope he gets run over by a truck..." Jisoo replied, trying her level best to not pounce on the disgustingly clingy couple, with two sizzling hot frying pans and giving both of them a concussion. "They'll both burn in hell for sure. Don't worry Jisoo-yah. We'll get him and his pucker faced rebound for this! Bitches." Jennie tried to comfort the brunnette over the phone. 

She took a deep breath. "Why are they even here? He hates the movies. He never ever agreed to take me to one..." Her best friend continued to try and reassure her on the call, throwing swears and insults to the couple every now and then (which Jisoo very much appreciated). 

As far as she knew, there was only one show playing at a time. Which means, they would be in the theater too. OH GOD WHY?!

She would rather have her toenails peeled off by pliers one by one then be seen by her douchey ex, covered in paint and fucked up hair. Could something worse happen to anyone?

"Why are we playing hide and seek?" 

She let out a scream and fell on the cold ground, for the second time today, triggered by the same person. Taehyung muttered multiple apologies, while helping her get back on her feet.

"I've got the tickets! Come on, let's go." He had a big smile on his face.

 With an irritated sigh, Jisoo started "No- no, I can't-" 

She stopped mid-sentence. Something dawned on her. She looked Taehyung up and down. 

He was a man, and he was way better looking. And he was with her. 

"Listen, for the next two hours, till we leave this place, we've been dating for days. We're a couple. Got it?" 

A/N : The next update will take some time. </333

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