Chapter 4

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After Y/N's little confession to Lizzie, she had hope for her and Y/N. Especially with agreeing to go to couples therapy together in hopes of mending their marriage. Neither of them wanted to end things. They didn't even want a divorce. They just knew that they need to work on themselves before working on the marriage, and the only way they could do that was by a separation.

The two had decided to meet at the councillor's office. Especially since Lizzie has a meeting about her upcoming project and Y/N has a surgery later.

"Hey." Y/N greeted Lizzie as she entered the waiting room.

"I already checked us in." Lizzie told her. Y/N nodded before taking a seat beside Lizzie. "So do you think this will work?"

"I hope so." Y/N told her as she browsed through a magazine. "I just, I don't want this marriage to fail. As much as we aren't seeing eye to eye right now. I know I want us to work." Lizzie smiled at her tearily as she reached for her hand.

"Mrs and Mrs Olsen - Y/L/N." The councillor called their names. The two sighed as they both stood up. Y/N allowing Lizzie inside first. Taking a seat on the same sofa. "So, what drew you both to seek outside help?"

"Well, we haven't been working for a while now, as much as we do love each other." Y/N started as Lizzie spoke.

"We fought all of the time. It was always about either of our jobs which are both time consuming and then there's Jacob." Lizzie spoke as the councillor listened to the two. Seeing how they worked.

"He's our son. He doesn't know of the separation though." Y/N told her.

"So you both want guidance on the right path?" They questioned as the two nodded. "Well, it seems that the separation is a great start. Are you living in the same house?"

"No." Lizzie answered.

"I've been kind of floating around friends houses and the on-call room." Y/N informed her. "I haven't entirely settled on buying a place of my own because I have faith that we can fix this. Fix us."

"I understand that you have been seeing a therapist." She informed Y/N who just nodded. "How bad can your OCD get?"

"Don't you have another question?" Y/N asked her as she started to tap her foot. 1. 2. 3.

"What about now?" She questioned as she pointed to Y/N's foot. "Isn't that a sign of an episode?"

"No." Y/N faked a smile. "It's just a."

"Come on Y/N. We need to sort this out. Don't be embarrassed by your OCD." Lizzie told her as she held her hand.

"Fine." Y/N sighed before looking at their hands. "It was last week. I had went home while Jacob was at school to get some clothes. I had just gotten off of a night shift and I was tired. And Lizzie questioned about our relationship and then everything just felt wrong. Out of place and there was nothing I could do to fix it."

"When was the first time you had had an episode?" She asked Y/N.

"Isn't this supposed to be what my own therapist is for?" Y/N questioned.

"If you want this relationship to work, there needs to be no secrets." She informed the couple.

"It was a few years ago. I was Trey Jones doctor. He was only 14 and he died on my table. A stupid mistake that I had missed on a scan. One tiny blotch that I had mistook for a smudge, but it was a hematoma and it burst." Y/N spoke shakily. "I didn't tell anyone. Not even Lizzie because I was ashamed. I still am." Y/N took a shaky breath. "That was when I started to check things over and over and over again."

"So it was a trauma." She stated as Y/N laughed.

"No. It was murder." Y/N said as she stood up. "I murdered a kid who had a full life ahead of him. If I hadn't missed that hematoma, he would still be here." With that Y/N walked out of the room. Lizzie gave the doctor an apologetic look before following Y/N out to the parking lot

"Y/N. Stop." She yelled as she approached her wife. Not realising the pain that Y/N had been hiding away from everyone.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Y/N cried as she stood a fair distance away from Lizzie.

"Can I hug you?" Lizzie asked them as they shook their head no.

"I uh, I can't. I have to go." She said as she got in her car.

"Message me when you get to work. Please." Lizzie pleaded with her wife. Y/N just nodded before driving away. Lizzie now started to know why Y/N started to drift away and throw herself into work. Pulling away from her family, but now she is on the right track to work through it.


They went to their first councilling session. Please let me know what you think?

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