Prologue - First Successful Subject

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Subject Log - 37-1

Name of subject : Mark Heathcliff

Status : Just delivered

Information : Mark as his mother called him was delivered to us on Monday of September 5 [Redacted]. The subject is few months old as the mother thought it was a normal check up. The child will be subjected to few injections of SO-92 to make sure it worked. If the subject dies again we will be forced to say the child was very sick and died.

End log

Subject Log - 37-2

Information : Mark Heathcliff is now a two year old. All specific of his current status will be given in another folder. Mark doesn't seem to have any feelings other than sometimes happiness and excitement. But these are very rare to see of him as his mother tells us. A specific incident happened where he nearly cut off his own hand and he didn't even flinch. Not even scared or anything. Just a blank expression as the mother put it. I say this is a major success. We can proceed with further testing.

End log

Subject Log - 37-3

Mark is now about two years and three months old. Some new emotional responses have been found within him. Further testing needed. The recounting of it went like this. ' We were all sitting down at the dining table before his slightly younger sibling Sarah fell off a chair. And Mark showed sadness. Of they helped Sarah up but this was a new response in Mark. ' A further study should show us if the response came from within or as a mimicking act and him learning what he should perform when.

End log

Subject log - 37-4

Mark has been our observation for about three years now. He is showing major progress in his emotional development. Or at least that's what's on the surface. In reality out experiments did work out. Make Heathcliff is the first and only successful specimen. The first project that won't blow back into our faces with yet another dead child.

End log

Subject log - 37-5

I think we should wrap these logs up. One final check up showed us only the same results. And the parents of the subject started to get more and more suspicious of the testing for the strange behavior of their child as he seems to act normally. Through we speculate that in high stress situation he will drop the knowlage and once more prove that what we did has effects and a president on making a society survive through the alternate attacks. Humanity will prevail at any costs.

End log

Subject 37 dismissed from further testing.

Status : Alive

Test : Successful

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