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"I knew Katy was trouble the first day we met in high school," Diana was currently sitting next to Shaun and Soo's Husband. The duo invited Diana to dinner with them and their high school friend as they caught up with each other. She felt rude barging in yet also felt rude declining their offer. So, she found herself in a stuffy bar, hoping that she wasn't the only one feeling out of place.

"I was getting picked on a lot, for all the reasons we all get picked on a lot," Shaun continued explaining how he and Katy met, Diana, felt a pang of jealousy run through her body for a second. They both were so excited about telling the story to Soo's husband and Diana that she wished she met them earlier to share this memory with them. She quickly brushed off the feeling as she met Shaun's eyes and shared a smile with him.

"And I turn the corner and I see this guy drop his backpack," Katy said. "He's getting all up in his face.."

"And right before he was about to throw the first punch, Katy comes out of nowhere, steps right between us and starts screaming the lyrics to Hotel California," Diana lifted her head up and took a swig of her drink, relishing the feeling of the cold liquid going down her throat.

"And then I pulled him into the parking lot."

"At which point she revealed that she had also swiped the keys to the guy's Mustang."

"Yeah, and we went on a little joyride around the block. And your wife was in the car too," Shaun added.

"That's true you were," Diana raised her eyebrows at Soo. In one word, meeting Soo was exhausting. Soo was perfect and well put together, to think she would take advantage of a situation like that was almost impossible.

"What?" Soo's Husband questioned, curiously.

"I was just in the backseat," she said, defending herself.

"That's a part of the car."

"That's still a part of the car," Shaun repeated, backing up his friend. Diana smiled at the two.

"How have you never told me this story?"

"You know, before she was a lawyer, your girl was pretty wild," Katy noted.

"What happened?" Diana said coolly, raising an eyebrow and taking another sip of her drink.

"I grew up," Soo concluded, giving them a tight smile.

Katy shared a confused glance with her friends, "What's that supposed to mean."

"Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?" Shaun echoed, narrowing his eyes at Soo

"That maybe there's a point where you're supposed to stop going on joyrides and start thinking about living up to your potential."

"Please tell me you're kidding Soo," Katy said.

"Look, we're now living in a world where at any moment half the population can just disappear," Soo reasoned, "Life's too short and too fragile. Katy, you're a valet driver with an honours degree from Berkeley, Shaun can speak like 4 languages and Diana you seem like a nice person."

Diana was surprised to receive a compliment from Soo but brushed it off when Soo turned back to Shaun and Katy, "You've always been the most talented people I know. I just don't get why you're scared to use it for something serious."



"You sound like my mum. You also dress like her a little bit, too," Katy joked, trying how Soo's words dug into her skin. Soo chuckled and shook her head.


"We're not running from our adulthood," Katy exclaimed when they finished dinner and left the bar, "How is it running to have jobs that you actually like?"

"Yeah, that doesn't make any sense," Diana hummed in agreement.

"Did you think valet parking is easy?" Katy ranted.

"It's like the most challenging job ever," Shaun replied, "You need people skills, driving skills," Diana nodded along.

"Soo can't even parallel park," Katy grumbled. They reached the end of the alleyway, making all of them stop in the middle of the street. Shaun grabbed his phone and checked the time.

"Well, it's almost midnight and we got the early shift," putting his phone back in his pocket, he stuffed his hands in there too, "Should probably be responsible, go to sleep."

"Yeah, we can be responsible. We can do that," Soo's words, still fresh in their minds, "Or..." Katy smirked mischievously at her two friends.

Karaoke had always been one of the trio's favourite pastimes. It didn't help that almost all places were open until the sun came up the next day. They poured their hearts out as they sang, laughing at each other's voice cracks, dancing childishly to the beat and screaming out lyrics. In these moments, Diana knew she found the right people to call her friends.

After a few hours of karaoke, they were all exhausted. Diana was sitting in the middle and both Shaun and Katy had their heads laying on her shoulders. Checking the time she quickly stood up, waking both of them up before getting Katy back home.

"What'd you think of Soo?" Shaun asked on the walk back home. They had just caught a taxi to Katy's house and the pair opted to walk home. The dark was oddly comforting as Shaun's arm wrapped around her waist, shielding her from the cold air.

"She seemed nice," Diana pondered, unsure about what else to say.

"You were a bit quiet back there. You okay?" He asked, stopping Diana and making her look at him. His face was full of concern.

"Just a bit tired, I'll be fine," she said placing a hand on his shoulder. She was always wary of new people. She forced a smile back on her face as she looked up at Shaun, not wanting to ruin the fun moments they had before, "Race you back home. Loser has to do the chores for the next week," without looking back she sprinted, getting a good headstart.

"Hey! That's not fair," she heard Shaun yell from behind, smiling to herself as the cool wind blew her hair backwards. 

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