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Thank you guys so much for all the people that have read the book that I made. At first I thought oh this is just going to be a terrible book no one's going to want to read it everybody's going to hate me and my book writing style and I was wrong. You guys showed me that I'm not totally tash at writing I mean quite a few people left but hey at least I'm not trash because there's still some people that like reading it as much as I like writing it. It really makes me happy that y'all stuck around and even though updates take about 9 billion years to get out thank you guys so much It really helps I'll try getting another one out in the next week cuz Friday is my last day of school till sometime in August. I know some of y'all thinking huh she must be writing them at school No I'm not on my phone at school I am a good person and I have good grades. I'd have a lot more published if I were on my phone at school. But that's not the case and I don't intend on starting so nobody say to do it cuz I won't. Anyway I'm getting off topic once again thank you guys just so so much for being there and supporting me y'all look good people and I hope you guys have a nice day night or afternoon!

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