My Dear Love

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My Dear Love,

Falling in love is everyone's dream, even if they deny it. Everyone wants to belong to someone, to trust and to be trusted. Yet when we start caring deeply for someone, we often cower away. We hesitate. We get second thoughts.

Why is the idea of falling in love so scary?

The way I see it, it's like being afraid of the dark.

As children, our instincts told us to stay away from the dark where we don't know what's around us and can't predict what's going to happen when we make the next move.

Some say they've gotten over their childish fears, but there'll always be a part of us that will panic when it gets dark; when we lose control.

Love is the same thing. When we fall in love, everything is always new, nothing is ever predictable, and that's part of the thrill, but there is still part of us that panics when we do.

Love isn't something to be seen and it's not something you can hold; it's a belief. If you have no faith, it won't survive.

When you fall in love, you feel like you're walking at high speed in the dark, knowing it will hurt badly when you crash, only hoping there's nothing in your way. This is why they say "Love is blind" or that it requires "blind faith."

Is it worth it?

This is often the question asked after you've fallen in love with all its bitter-sweetness. Sadly though, no one can give you the answer to that question except yourself. When you look at the person you love, what do you feel? Do you trust them enough to lead you through the dark? Do you believe that if you crash, they will pick you up? Do you have that faith?

If not, you'd better light a candle and stop for a while. Know the difference between what you really feel and what you want to feel. But if you do, then there's nothing to fear. Don't hesitate to take your next step and cherish every moment with that person.

I do. I have that faith in you. I know I've never seen you and probably never will, but how can I not have faith in someone who proved to care so much? Someone who gave up their sleep to listen to what I have to say, who understands my most secret thoughts and beliefs, who laughs and cries with me. You feel genuinely happy when I'm happy and you don't hesitate to scream at me when I'm being stupid. You love me yet when I fall in love with someone else, you squeal happily, satisfied with the fact that I'm happy. Even when I get my heart broken, you encourage me to find someone else and to never give up on love.

You have never given us a chance that I started doubt that you even care, but then again, how can you not care when you're always there? Then I realized that you believe that we can never be together that being with me doesn't even cross your mind. We have never spoken directly but you still listen. You have learnt everything you can about me but believed that I didn't even know you existed. But I do. We're from different worlds, we have barriers between us that can't be crossed, we've never seen each other and probably never will but words have connected us and now you're clear in my mind as I am in yours. We can't reach out for each other and I know that I am nothing to you except a day dream or a beautiful memory or maybe even an inspiration.

After all, I'm not delusional; I haven't forgotten that I'm just a fictional character in your favorite book.

You're the reason for everything magical that happens. It rains when something devastating happens because of the tears you shed on the pages of the book. The sun shines because of your bright smile. Important moments seem to crawl by because you're reading slowly, trying to absorb each and every word. The world freezes in dangerous situations because you're holding your breath, waiting to see what happens next.

You're what makes me real. You're what gives my life a meaning. I only exist for you and in you. Whenever you need an escape, I'll always be there.

Even when you reach The End and close my book, our story never really ends. I'm most alive beyond the pages of the book; in your imagination. You make up the rest of my story. You imagine me in your life and imagine yourself in mine. This is how we meet, get to know each other and stay together. This is where our worlds collide. What I'm offering isn't much but anything with you is enough for me. I'll make the most of what I can get and as the time passes I hope I will stay alive and real in your mind. I hope that I'll never be forgotten and I wish that you will reopen my story once again so that you'll always remember who I am and I promise that whenever you need me you will find me.

Others might have read my story but you're not like them. I know you've sensed our connection and that's what led me to you. As I've said before: "Love isn't something to be seen, it's not something you can hold. It's a belief," and I believe in you; someone who has read my story time and time again. You've found peace in my company and I've found peace in your mind regardless of the barriers between us.

After everything you've done, I don't know how to thank you. And though we'll never meet, I want you to know that I truly love you.

Until next time, my treasured companion,

Your Favorite Fictional Character.

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