Before The Heist

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8:00 PM.

Only an hour or so remained till it began.

It's currently another regular night in hell. The city is filled with lights, streets brightened up by car headlights, demons walking alongside the sidewalks, and the air giving off its usually cold breeze. Strange how hell isn't burning hot 24/7, since it's hell, but in reality, it's not, more of the human world, something sinners experienced before death.

Today's night however is not a regular night for a short, shorter than the average imp height, white-haired imp. He's currently in a bar, sitting down with a drink of water, waiting. He pulls out his phone, and revisits the message he was given, "Meat me @ vuh barr bfour 8 ore lssssss!!!!"

The imp sighs to himself, 'He's late. Of course, he is. Satan, he should work on his spelling, I can barely understand what he's trying to say.'

He ignores the messenger text and goes in to take another sip of his water, before being interrupted by the doors of the bar being violently kicked open, alerting everyone inside.

Everyone inside turned towards the door, wondering what the noise was. What they saw was the silhouette of a 2 tall horned demon, being cast by the moonlight. The light adjusted itself, showing the silhouette's identity. The demon raised its hand in the hair, and rapidly waved it, "Hello you bitchess!!!!!!!!! How's everyone's night been so far!?"

Everyone in the bar groaned, it was just another imp, nothing special. They all turned away and continued back to their business.

"Wow, okay. Whatever, it's not like I care or anything!" The demon pouted as if he were some tsundere. He shifts his eyes around the bar before stopping and spotting the white-haired imp. He quickly slides himself to the imp, taking a seat beside him.

"Moxxie! My least favorite imp! What's a baby dick imp like yourself doing here in this bar?" The white-haired imp, known as Moxxie, lets out an annoyed groan, "You texted me to come here sir, did you forget?"

The imp laughs to himself, "Oh Moxxie, don't be so formal all the time! Please, at least try to use my name, we aren't at work or anything."

Moxxie rolls his eyes, "Fine then, Blitz, did you forget why you texted me to come here?"

"Well... Maybe~" The white-haired imp's eye twitches in annoyance, "I'm just kidding Mox, Of course, I didn't forget, I just enjoy playing with you." He quickly grabs Moxxie's glass and takes a sip, "Water? Why not some alcohol? Honestly, you're such a weak teeny-weeny little-"

"JUST GET TO THE POINT ALREADY SIR!" Blitz looks at Moxxie, taken off guard. He adjusts his seat and puts back a sly smile on him, "Are you mad Mox? There's no reason to be mad at me, you little-" Moxxie lets out a frustrated sigh and gets up from his seat, before being stopped by Blitz, grabbing his arm, "Wait don't leave! I-I'm just messing with you, Mox! Please, this is important." They both look at each other for some time, until Moxxie sits back down and motions him to continue.

"Thank you Mox, and I do mean it. This is important."

"And why is that, sir?"

"The reason I called you here Mox, is for a favor."

"A favor? What is it?" Blitz lets out a sigh before beginning, "I need you to go and bring back something called, The Grimoire." Moxxie looks at him dumbfounded, "The Grimoire? First off, what is a Grimoire sir, and why do you need it?"

"Its some shiny and or fancy unique book, that possesses a significant amount of power that can be used by practically any demon in hell. And I need it because I was also kinda breaking the law."

"You were breaking the law? You could break the law in hell?"

"Of course, you can break the law Mox, hell has no boundaries."

"Okay then, how long have you been breaking the law?"

"I've been breaking it since the start of the company. I was using illegal ways for our company to go onto earth and do our job. Fastward or so, law enforcement somehow found out, and now we can't do our job unless we go onto earth legally."

"Oh. I see... Well, if you want this "Grimoire" thing, why not get it yourself, sir?"

"I knew you would ask that Moxxie and there's a simple answer to that, which is no."

"Well, why not sir?"

"Because I'm lazy, and I don't wanna do it, y'know? Not to mention, I don't wanna run into him out of all demons and probably have some sort of long catch-up conversation or something. I don't wanna waste my time doing that okay?"


"Well, why did you ask me to do it? Why not ask Loona to-?"

"Hold it right there Moxxie. You want ME to send my precious Loony-Woony to get the Grimoire, and possibly get herself hurt or something?! Not a fat fucking chance Mox!"

"Well, what about Millie? I'm sure she can easily do it."

"Oh, she definitely can and would easily do it Moxxie. But here's the thing Mox. I want some action, and drama to happen, y'know? I can't just have someone like her do it like it's nothing."

"So what you're telling me is that you want me to do it, because you'll THINK I'll somehow screw myself up trying to get this magical book and find myself into some sort of drama or something?"

"Precisely." He says, smirking.

"Yeah, no I'm not doing it." Moxxie quickly gets up from his seat, "I'm going back home."

Blitzo quickly gets up and stops him, "Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah. Hold up, Mox." He wraps his arm around him, "Think about it, would you? If you do this and get the Grimoire, not only will I give you a raise at work, but I'm sure Millie will be impressed by your skills. Don't you want that?"

He pauses, "Well... That does sound kinda good if I'm being honest..."

"Exactly Mox. Do this favor for me, and I'm sure you'll be able to win Millie over, you damn virgin."

"Fine. I'll do this damn favor of yours, sir. But what do I even do to get it back?"

He laughs, "That's easy. All you have to do Mox, is head to this party where the Grimoire is located, steal the Grimoire without getting caught, and come back with it okay? Any questions?"

"Well, what if-"

"No questions? THAT'S GREAT MOXXIE!" He quickly steals a beer bottle and puts it in Moxxie suit pocket, "This is for you Mox, a drink while you're stealing the Grimoire for me okay?" He kisses Moxxie's forehead and heads to the bar exit, "I'll see you at work tomorrow, you better have the Grimoire with you, so don't you dare screw this up!" He exits the bar, signals a taxi, and drives off in the taxi, heading back home as he leaves Moxxie in a daze.

He takes out the beer bottle and looks at it, 'I don't even drink alcohol so this bottle is gonna be useless.' He ignores the thought as he puts the bottle back in his suit pocket and wipes his forehead from the kiss, "Disgusting, but he's right. If I pull this off, then Millie will be impressed by my skills and probably would date me." 'I hope' "Not to mention I'm sure to get a raise, which is a bonus." 'Okay, Mox, take a deep breath, don't screw this up.' He pays for his water and exits the bar.

"Wait a minute, Blitzo didn't even tell me where this party is happening." He quickly pulls out his phone and texts Blitz, 'Sir, where is this party at?'

'O, rit. i 4got 2 tLL u.' He waited for some time before he was given the address, 'dat iss ware itss happiningg, k? DONT SCRU TIS UPP!'

"Huh, so the party is being held at some fancy palace? This shouldn't be a problem, I'll just go in there and take this Grimoire book. I'm sure I won't run into any trouble." He begins making his way towards the address of the party.

As Moxxie and Blitz are heading to their destination, Blitzo suddenly remembers something important, 'Hold up now, did I warn Moxxie about the location he's heading to and what he's dealing with? Ehh, it's whatever, I'm sure he's fine, he can handle himself. Well, he should be fine as long as he doesn't run into her.'

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