The Start

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(I feel like yall are gonna need more than bleach for this one ) (Sorry not Sorry )

As i'm moving along the riverbank, i see a goose, i hiss as i glare piercing my eyes onto their back, making them feel a strong tension behind them, i stealthy slid behind layer of shrubs and grass still glaring at the goose, Soon enough i crossed the river without the goose and their young seeing me, i soon made it to a shady patch of grass right behind the goose, i snarl as i jump out from behind and attack them, your tail whacks the youngsters into a bush as i bite their neck and throw them into the rushing river and watch them drift away struggling to swim, i smirk as i watch for a moment, until i turn around sneering in the grass looking for the young hiding, i lick my beak s my stomach growled getting hungry again, you hear a rustle in the shrubs and grass, you sneak up and jump in the shrubs, swallowing the young whole, you sneak around the vegetation and spot two young together i swirl behind them, and jump from behind them and bite both of them, i take my time to swallow both, as i finished the chicks, my stomach was finally satisfied. i slid away along the riverbank yet again, i slither to my nest which took me quite  while to reach, and finally turned a corner in some more shrubs and grass near the river, i see my eggs haven't been stolen or eaten yet, i sigh in relief and smile curling my body and tail around the eggs warming the up from the cold windy breeze from today i fall asleep, as i'm curled up in my nest. After a few hours of sleep, i wake up to the eggs cracked and split open, i look around for the chicks, and instead i find them on top of me, and around in the shrubs, i chuckle and settles down letting my young play for a good amount of time. I sit there in the nest watching the young play around, until i get up, i tell my young to follow me, and i slid into the riverbank, the chicks follow hesitant, but i encourage them, and surprisingly they did pretty well. they laugh and hiss having fun splashing and swimming in the water i smile, and duck my head in the water my body following my rhythm, washing my feathers, my young copy and i smile, i duck my head in the water again snatching a small fish swallowing it whole. And i grin slithering along the water as my young follow me, we reach our destination and i slid onto land my yung following still, we sneak into a field and nibble on the seeds and plants, i teach my young to dig the seeds up, and they were fast learner and did the same quickly. We spend a few hours there until we slide into the water again to go home, a few minutes pass and we make it back to the nest, and we go to sleep as i smile warmly. 

Cobra Chicken ( Canadian geese)Where stories live. Discover now