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"This walk definitely seemed shorter when I first walked it, but then again, I believe it was night, and things always seem to move faster at night." Leo stated as he examined the path. Things seemed vaguely familiar, but nothing seemed identical. It had only been about fifteen minutes to walk to town, however time seemed to drag on. He looked down at the princess at his side who was quietly looking at all the surrounding areas as they passed them. She seems to be distracted..

"So, tell me Doré, what do you know about your soon to be new kingdom? I assume you have questions for me, but first, I want to know what all you know. Also, I was curious to know when this proposal was …proposed. Did they send a member of their court to deliver the massage or a simple errand boy?"

She blinked and looked up at him for a moment before looking back down to the road. "The proposal was announced about 2 weeks ago. My father and the king had been exchanging letters through a small messenger dragon. I had no knowledge of it until the king had sent a personal messenger."

She seemed a bit put off by the topic. "Announcing it in the grand hall in front of all the court nobles non the less. As a way to officially proclaim the engagement to me." She had looked off to the side. "I have had other marriage proposals before this, but my father always turned them down. So I was surprised when he agreed to this one.. but I suppose it is because Dragonspire is the largest kingdom on the continent. And after father found out that Martiver and Cestial kingdoms were bounding together, he must have figured we would need the aid of a larger kingdom. If war is to come upon us.."

She sighs a bit, "However other than the geographical information I could gather from a map about the kingdom, there isn't much that I do know. I was only able to read small bits about the people there. And how they live."

She looked up at Leo, "what is it like there..? You said the king hasn't given you a reason to not trust him, but what do you really think of him?"

"Lets see," Leo thought carefully about what to say, "Well, the Dragonspire was originally a kingdom run by dragons, but over time, it was passed down to their dragonborn offspring. While I guess you can say the dragons are still the true rulers of the kingdom, officially speaking, it's currently under the control of the dragonborn king. The king is an older man and is looking to step down from the throne. In his place will be his son, a blue scaled dragonborn. He seemed charming enough. He is much more accepting of other non dragonborn and he is actually seeking to create peace among the kingdoms. He is actually the one who sought out my services. He contacted an old military friend of his who had heard stories of me. With the limited information he had, which was very little because I don't like being tracked down, he put out a request to 'the invisible knight.' It's a name some call me because I just kind of disappear and reappear with the person who requested to be transported." It was clear that Leo liked this name as he seemed to puff out his chest as he said it.

"I see." She looked back ahead of them, "I was worried I'd be marrying an old man, but I guess it's somewhat a relief it's not the case?" She was still a bit apprehensive about the whole thing. It was all still so uncertain to her. Even with Leo's comforting words she still had a lingering feeling inside of her.

He had peered down at her before he continued. "But anyway, the kingdom is a nice place. The town surrounding the kingdom is fairly wealthy. Surprisingly, I found not one poor starving child. The king, even in his old age, would frequently visit the town and speak with his people. His approach is very hands-on, which I admire. Of course, I'm still on guard for dragons. They can be greedy and cruel creatures, and have been known to change at a moment's notice, but I believe the dragonborns ruling are trustworthy." Leo's words were genuine, especially his concern regarding the kingdom predecessors.

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