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it was nine month ago

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it was nine month ago


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welcome little lee

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welcome little lee

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Welcome to the world my little angel , GUYS STOP CALLING HIM LITTLE JIHOON

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Welcome to the world my little angel , GUYS STOP CALLING HIM LITTLE JIHOON


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he looks like you 😭

and he is fiesty already 😭

i think it runs in your family

who kid is that ?😊







my baby is adorable 🥰

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my baby is adorable 🥰


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thx for going through the mood swings

and the morning sickness

thx for not killing me in the process again..


Private chat between hoshi and woozi

why is everyone congratulating you
Did i miss something


whose child is that ?
Is it wonwoo or joshua ?

i don't think your in the right to ask that

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