Lee Min Mo?~2

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"Lee Min Mo?" Emma said confused

"Look, That's what i heard okay? Besides who names their son Lee Min Mo? If that is even his name" I said disappointed

"Lets just figure it out tomorrow mkay?" She said and tapped my shoulders and closed my room

i plopped myself in my bed and looked at my family photo.

"Damn its hard that Minnie Mouse is not around" I said and looked at Seungmin's beautiful smile.

"Come back Minnie!" i said and buried my self with the pillows beside me til i fell asleep.


"Good Morning!!" A familiar guy said and plopped himself in my bed.

"Minnie?" I said and my eyes widened to see my brother hugging me tight.

"I heard from mom you calling my name like your god. Why would i not visit my sister?" he said and pinched my cheeks.

"Where is Hyunhee?" i asked making him laugh

"She's with our Momma bear. Come let's bond together!" He said and pulled me off my bed

"I really miss having you around" I said making him stop, He looked at me with tear in his eyes and hugged me

"Me too" He said and caressed my back


"Lee Min Mo?" He asked confused

"That's what Emma said. Exactly what she said" I said and looked down

"Look Sweets. I don't think you heard it right" He said and sip his ice americano

"OF COURSE I DID! I HAVE A REALLY GOOD HEARING!" i said confidently but with tone

"Doesn't look like it" he said and chuckled "Okay enough about Lee Min Mo. We should go to our favorite place" He said and pulled me again making me glance at the exact same person i saw yesterday

"Minnie Mouse stop!" i said and he didn't listen. He acted like he didn't hear me 

"Okay we're here!" He said and  we arrived at our little cabin.

Its just long logs and its tied on a big tree, our decorations is still there

"nothing has changed" he said and leaned on the tree

"I still come by to protect our "Base"" i said and he laughed

"I really miss our childhood" he said and started tearing up

"Hey, Mr. Long face stop that" i said and crossed my arms

he started wiping off his tears and looked at me "I hope i listened to Mom" He said and looked at Mom from afar walking with Hyunhee

"Hey its not your fault its the girl you married okay?" i said and he nodded

"I don't know what to do anymore" He said and sat down in the nearby bench

"You can't do anything anymore, its too late" i said and looked at both my and his feet

"I know" He said and looked at me.

"Hey, just so you know your room is always open! You can still move in with Hyunhee" I said and hugged him

he hugged me so tight that i couldn't breath, when he finally lets me go i saw the guy again

"Quick hide!" I said and pushed Seungmin to the ground

"Wait what?" he said and hid with me

"Lee" i said and pointed at him

"Oh, ill go approach him" He said and started walking

"NO! oh fuck" I said and sneak my self further

"Hey!" Seungmin said and waved, of course Lee Min- Oh wait i forgot. I'll just call him Lee Know.

"What's your name?" he asked and he quickly shared his name

"Lee Min Ho" He said and smiled, i took out my phone and started writing down his name. But i am stupid enough to miss my phone

"Fuck!" i said and started tapping the bushes but i made a sound that made Seungmin and Lee Min Ho hear

"Hi Kim Y/n!" Lee Know said and waved cutely

"Hi!" I said and he smiled

"It's good seeing a beautiful girl like you around here" he said and offered his left hand

"Oh, well heh. That's my brother" i said and pointed at Seungmin who is now hiding in the bushes

He then gave me a thumbs up and keeps hyping me up

"I didn't know! Anyways it's nice seeing you but i really have to go now" he said and walked away

I stood there completely frozen from what has my brother did

"Oh well that's-"

"Weird" i added

"Come let's enjoy alone shall we?" he said and walked with me


"YOU MIGHT ASWELL LEAVE US! I AM TAKING Y/N!" Mom said while shouting at dad

"Hey! what is happening?" Seungmin said and picked Hyunhee up

"I DON'T KNOW? HOW ABOUT YOU TELL THEM?" Mom said and throwed the plate making it shatter

"Now that's fucking enough!" I said and gave mom THAT look

"Don't give me that look Young Lady! don't forget who i am" she said and grabbed my wrist

"Don't touch her!" Seungmin said and pushed mom making mom land in our glass table

"MINNIE!" I said and looked at Seungmin who is raging mad

"Y/nnie!" Hyunhee said and started crying

"Emma! Take her somewhere!" i said and handed her my card

"This is enough!" I said and started tearing up

"Hey! None of you both is taking Y/n! i am taking her" Seungmin said and pulled me


The next day....

"Knock, Knock" Seungmin said and opened the door


"I took your stuff fr-"

"It's okay just put them in that table" i said and pointed at the glass table

"Okay" He said and puts them as told, he then walked up to me and hugged me

"Someone wants to see you" He said and walked up to the door

"Hey!" Yeonjun said and walked up to me

"Why are you here?" i asked and he smile widely as he sees my face

"Visiting my girlfriend" He said and hugged me tightly i couldn't breath

"I'll leave you both alone" Seungmin said and closed the door

"I heard what happened, is everything okay?" He asked and sat on my bed

"Yeah, just a little worried mom and dad will get a divorce" I said and stood up

"Hey, that's how life is okay?" He said and hugged me again

"I love you" He said and hugged me


"I am really sorry, i have a really tight schedule today" he said

"Aw" i said and Seungmin's guard walked him out

"I have to talk to you" Seungmin said and pulled me in a room

"What?!" i asked and he took out his phone

"Its him!" He said and showed me a Telephone number "It's your oh so called Lee Min Mo"

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