Chapter 24

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They need to attack now... distract them.....

or they will kill us,.....

and our souls only have the power to kill off most of the human race.

If they succed in the cerimony.......

all will be for nothing..... we won't be able to save anyone.....

Sam and the packs will be here for nothing......

Billions of people, souls, children, and innocents.....

will die. 


Lila POV

I look over the thousands and thousands of werwolves, of every imaginable color. There were black, gray, red, orange, whitish gray, there was a completly red wolf, I knew that was Mary-Beth. There were so many, of all genders, but mainly men were here.

We were at the very back of the crowd on our side. That way they could protect us while doing the cerimony.

The women were in front of us, as soon as we died, they would to. My little girl was there to, I coudn't let this happen.

I connected eyes with Sam, My Sam across the field of werewolves.

I communicated silently with him, he would attack in a matter of minutes, he just needed a distraction.

I looked over to where Mark, the magic wielder, and the omega and beta were, along with 5 other men.

I looked to Mel and Laurie, I knew Laurie would fight if she had to, but she couldn't kill.

I went into their heads and told them,

'while I am distracting them, you and all the other women must run to the saftey of the forest. Run to anywhere, get somewhere safe. As soon as I distract them it will cause a chain reaction. As soon as I do, then Sam will attack, they will be on the defensive.'

I continued with my plot, it was going into the womens heads, then into Sam's, where he was telling all the werewolfs on that side.

'I'm going to change into wolf form, then will start snarling and fake attack Mark. He'll turn on me, along with the beta and omega, and then some troups. They will be distracted momentarily. During that time, Sam, you will attack with the troups. You will have a few seconds of surprise. Then the fight will commense.'

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