telling him my secret..

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This story is in Nico's pov.

I stepped into the cafeteria, hoping to be one of the first ones to go and grab breakfast, but was immediately overwhelmed by the number of people chatting away. I stopped for a moment to process everything, I quickly ran and grabbed my meal. I looked around to find an empty table to eat at.

After a minute of looking trying not to be noticed by anyone, I finally found a table and placed my food down, and started to eat.

"Hey, nico!"
I jumped at the sudden sound. But I had nothing to worry about, at least I think. After all, it has to be xander by the British accent.

"H-hey Xander. Do you want something?" I asked him.

"Well, I wanted to come sit and eat with you!" The redhead exclaimed with a bright smile on his face.

"Sit.. with me? Uh, okay!" I said, sounding a bit confused he wants to sit with me? I thought I was too boring to be around..
He sat down at the chair across from mine and started eating his breakfast. It was silent for the most part.

"So nico! Can you tell me about being a pet therapist?" Xander asked

"Well.. what do you want to know..?" I asked him, hoping to have an answer ready

"Well, I'm a bit confused about what it exactly means. Can you explain what you do as a pet therapist?" He said

I then went on about what I do as a pet therapist while Xander listened intently,
I could tell he was interested in learning about my talent, which made me.. happy. I went uninterrupted until..

"Oi, the fuck you talking about?I've been able to hear nothing but you talking. It's annoying."

"E-eh?" I instantly started to tear up, it was ace. He's always so loud.. and rude.. especially to me

"Hey ace. I would advise you to leave. Or else I won't hesitate to actually break your hand this time, got it?" Xander said as he grabbed the jockey


"You heard me, Leave him alone." Xander said while pushing him away from our table

"Ugh, fine." Ace then stormed off

"Nico, I'm so sorry about him. You don't deserve to constantly be bothered by him." Xander said while turning back to me
"It's fine.." I whispered
"Xander, can I tell you something?" I asked him nervously

"Of course! You can tell me anything." He said with his usual smile

"Follow me." I instructed him
Me and Xander walked through the halls until we reached the computer lab.

"Okay! What was it you wanted to tell me?" He asked

"Well.. uhm, I'm.. I'm.." I tried to utter the words, but I was too nervous.

"Nico, don't be scared to tell me. You can trust me, I promise!" Xander exclaimed, grabbing my hands.

"Xander, please don't hate me.. but I'm non binary.." I finally gathered the confidence to say it, but i still hid my face after.

"Oh! Would you prefer gender neutral pronouns then? If so, that's no problem!" He said, letting go of my hands

"Yes, please."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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